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9300T Stops Recording if the Signal is Low

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    My mother's 9300T randomly stops recording before the end of a programme. It could be anywhere within the scheduled start and end times. I know she occasionally gets a "No Signal" message when watching live (she's in a flat with a communal siganl - not possible to improve). I'm guessing that the 9300T automatically stops recording if there's a signal drop-out, even if it's only momentary. Is there any way of overriding this (if that's the problem) so that it keeps recording?

    | Sat 28 Jul 2012 9:58:23 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    gdalby - 31 minutes ago  » 
    It could be anywhere within the scheduled start and end times. I know she occasionally gets a "No Signal" message when watching live (she's in a flat with a communal siganl - not possible to improve).

    Are you sure the box is correctly tuned? Have you tried a manual tune?

    I'm guessing that the 9300T automatically stops recording if there's a signal drop-out, even if it's only momentary.

    Last time I tried this (on a 9200 but they are similar) it continued recording and there was a jump on playback.

    | Sat 28 Jul 2012 10:32:56 #2 |

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