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Access to Foxsat-hdr via ethernet?

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    And yes, Dropbox will not disappear in 30 days.

    | Mon 8 Apr 2024 18:41:55 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    egarobar - 54 mins ago  » 
    And yes, Dropbox will not disappear in 30 days.

    jdlfreetime's will I suspect cease to function after 30 days as he probably took a trial version of one of the plans that has a cost attached. I agree that the basic plan should survive, although Dropbox will try and persuade you to move to a version that makes the money.

    | Mon 8 Apr 2024 19:39:46 #22 |
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    Hi egarobar,

    I set up the temporary Dropbox account to help you to be able to access firmware. Hopefully you have received it ok. I don't need dropbox myself, and not going to pay for subscription/enroll any further. Hopefully the forum admin can save file for other users permanently on this forum site, but if not, then users will have to search around for another user & request again once 30 days is up if firmware is needed. John L

    | Tue 9 Apr 2024 15:22:13 #23 |
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    Joined: Mar '24
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    Hi again,

    I installed the custom firmware, no probs, very pleased.
    Raydon's instructions say fix-disk will call e2cfsk and so on - but I find it hangs up on the 3rd partition as follows:

    Now checking partition /dev/hda3...yone advise me
    e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
    Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
    /dev/hda3: |====================== | 38.9%

    It won't proceed beyond 38.9%.
    Can anyone advise me please? Would appreciate this very much.
    Thanks in advance.

    | Sat 22 Jun 2024 16:22:22 #24 |
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    PS Why is it necessary to put the box into Maintenance Mode to run e2fsck?

    | Sat 22 Jun 2024 16:26:48 #25 |
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    egarobar - 20 hours ago  » 
    PS Why is it necessary to put the box into Maintenance Mode to run e2fsck?

    I've found the answer to that.

    And I've read the fix-disk script, and understand that. Don't understand why e2fsck hangs up, though.

    Any clues? ;}

    | Sun 23 Jun 2024 12:44:32 #26 |
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    egarobar - 7 hours ago  » 

    egarobar - 20 hours ago  » 
    PS Why is it necessary to put the box into Maintenance Mode to run e2fsck?

    I've found the answer to that.
    And I've read the fix-disk script, and understand that. Don't understand why e2fsck hangs up, though.
    Any clues? ;}

    Hi egarobar,

    Sorry no idea. Anything technical like this needs to be addressed to Raydon himself, or read his notes. Should be a link somewhere to contact him. I doubt if any other user will be able help further. John L

    | Sun 23 Jun 2024 20:34:39 #27 |
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    What caused you to run fix-disk ?

    If you suspect problems with a disk, a good starting point is to put it a computer that can read the SMART diagnostic and status data directly.

    | Wed 26 Jun 2024 11:02:58 #28 |

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