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Accessing HD recordings via PC

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    Wondering if there is any work being done to be able to copy HD recordings in a non-encrypted format? I've used the solutions on the HDR-2000Ts and Foxsat boxes but would love to be able to copy the Aura recordings too.


    | Thu 9 Jun 2022 11:30:44 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    sh2811 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Wondering if there is any work being done to be able to copy HD recordings in a non-encrypted format? I've used the solutions on the HDR-2000Ts and Foxsat boxes but would love to be able to copy the Aura recordings too.

    I take it that you are aware that out of the box, you can convert HD recordings to a lower resolution format that can be downloaded? Neither of the solutions you mention will work on the Aura and I don't know of any way to get the HD recordings without encryption.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2022 14:10:08 #2 |
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    Thanks Martin. Yes, I know you can convert to SD but I was hoping someone was working on a way around pulling HD recordings off the box... for backing up purposes. I use Filezilla without any issues for any SD stuff I want to copy off. Does anyone know if any clever bods are working on ways of doing it like they have done on the older boxes? I was thinking that tweaking an Android box might be easier than some of the older boxes. I must admit I haven't been keeping on top of the forum but don't recall seeing any mention of people trying to add features.

    | Fri 10 Jun 2022 0:08:25 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    sh2811 - 9 hours ago  » 
    Does anyone know if any clever bods are working on ways of doing it like they have done on the older boxes? I was thinking that tweaking an Android box might be easier than some of the older boxes.

    I am not aware of anybody seriously looking at custom firmware for the Aura. I agree that being based on Android might well make things easier. I think people who want non encrypted HD recordings are tending to look at things like HDHomeRun tuners and non Freeview certified recorders.

    | Fri 10 Jun 2022 10:03:38 #4 |
  5. woodbar


    Joined: Nov '20
    Posts: 22


    You could always look for an Enigma 2 PVR - they tend to be oriented towards satellite reception but can be had with terrestrial only tuners or even a "combi" model with each type.

    Do a search for Octagon SF8008 - the one I have is the combi version as a backup device - no internal HDD but a 1Tb USB HDD plugged in works faultlessly.

    Not suggesting this is the one to get just given as an example and you can do what you like with the HD & SD recordings, totally un-encrypted.

    | Sat 11 Jun 2022 23:12:17 #5 |
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    I hope somebody somewhere is having a play with the software as it would be very good to get some tweaks!
    Thank you both for the suggestions about other recording boxes that don't have encryption barriers. Must admit that I have always liked the Humax boxes (once you figure out how to live with the glitches) but it would be good to find a multi-tuner non-encrypted terrestrial box (easier than getting my old dish upgraded for a multi LNB and extra cabling added).

    Thank you.

    | Sun 12 Jun 2022 2:12:23 #6 |

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