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Aura always starts on ch4

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    Every morning I switch on the aura it opens on ch4. Why does it not open on last channel used or at least ch1 ie the first channel
    I don't have any favourite channels set

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 7:55:05 #1 |
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    Title says ch4, body text says chrome. If it is opening on chrome, you possibly have a device (phone, tablet, pc, etc) that thinks it’s still casting to the Aura box. The Aura box will automatically switch to chrome when something wants to cast to it.

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 18:13:46 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    captgeneralmark - 20 mins ago  » 
    Title says ch4, body text says chrome. If it is opening on chrome, you possibly have a device (phone, tablet, pc, etc) that thinks it’s still casting to the Aura box. The Aura box will automatically switch to chrome when something wants to cast to it.

    I think the OP is confusing the Google Chrome Web Server with the Aura built in Chromecast. It's likely he is looking at the Chromecast screen saver.

    Pressing any key like LIVE TV should go back to the live tuners. Normally the last used channel will be used. Simple to change to any other.

    Eg if say Channel 4-HD was recorded last before the box went into full sby. That should be the live channel viewed.

    If you open a Chrome browswer on say a PC. Drag a video file into a Chrome tab. It shouls start playing. Click on the casting tab and select the Humax 4K-GTR item. The video should appear on the connected TV.

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 18:36:59 #3 |
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    Before getting too involved with Chrome, it would be worth Muskie478 clarifying what was meant. "Chrome" could just have been an autocorrect error when starting to type "Ch4" (or vice versa in the title).

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 9:49:35 #4 |
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    You all mention Chrome which is confusing. It is live tv on channel 4 I've looked for settings but can't find any that would indicate anything towards a channel setting
    I don't have any favourite channels set.
    I switch on in morning and it's always ch 4 live TV. Most annoying

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 10:36:57 #5 |
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    muskie478 - 1 hour ago  » 
    You all mention Chrome which is confusing.

    The reason that the replies to your original post mention "Chrome" is that your very first post stated that "the aura it opens on chrome".

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 12:10:08 #6 |
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    You are absolutely correct It is a auto text error. I wrote it open on ch4 but it auto corrected to chrome.
    My error for not checking the spelling.
    I think if I can delete the post and repost it would be better

    Admin edit: first post edited to reflect ch4 not chrome.

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 12:25:07 #7 |
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    Looking at the manual, I cannot see it, but I wonder if the Aura has an equivalent to the 5000T's Power Timer, which could cause this.

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 17:33:59 #8 |
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    What's the power timer?

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 17:57:12 #9 |
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    On the 5000T, the power timer allows you to switch the box on and off at two specific times and on a specific channel, but I don't know if your box has any similar feature.

    We use it to repopulate the 5000T EPG for about 20 minutes each morning.

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 21:49:16 #10 |

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