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Aura changes recording channel

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    Joined: Jan '18
    Posts: 11


    If I set to record BBC1 HD on channel 101 sometimes it changes it to record it on BBC1 Scotland for some reason. This also happens on ITV3 HD 103 when it changes to record on a different ITV 3 HD channel. It still records the right program but from a different channel number. This is annoying because when I check the menu it will show the channel is not set to be recorded so I record it and end up with two recordings of the same program and worse when there's a conflict of too many programs being recorded at the same time. Is there any way I can stop it changing the recording channel number.

    | Sat 15 Apr 2023 7:34:19 #1 |
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    Posts: 185


    When you tuned the Aura did you use Auto Channel Search, this can sometimes result in the Aura tuning duplicate channels fromdifferent transmitters. Duplicate channels a usually stored in the 800's, have a look at your guide to see if there are duplicate channels.
    If that is the source of the problem then it is best to do a manual tune.

    First you need to know which transmitters are broadcasting to your address.
    click on this link,
    Enter your postcode and house number, press check.

    You will now see a chart with your most likely transmitter at the top and others below.
    Scroll down a little bit further to the next set of charts. The first one will be your 'most likely' transmitter.
    Take a note of the multiplex (mux) numbers under the letter N in the black circles.
    Pay special attention to the one under BBC B, this is the mux that broadcasts the HD channels.

    Having jotted down the mux numbers your transmitter broadcasts you can now try manually tuning the Aura.
    First you need to clear the channel list. Make sure you are not due to record something in the next 15 to 30 minutes. Unplug the aerial from the Aura. Press the Freeview button on the remote go to Settings> Channel & Broadcast> Auto Channel Search, start the auto tune and this will clear all channels.
    Now go to Manual Channel Search

    Click on Channel and select one of the mux numbers you jotted down.
    For all SD channels make sure Transmission is set to DVB-T, for the HD mux you need. to change this to DVB-T2.
    Once you have entered a channel number press Search, once the Aura has completed the search for that mux
    press Save.
    Select Manual Search again, enter the next number from your list and press Search again, and then Save.
    Remember to change Transmission to DVB-T2 when tuning for the HD channels. Once you have done this for all muxes you should be able to resume recording without duplicate recordings.
    Hopefully anyway.

    | Sat 15 Apr 2023 11:05:19 #2 |
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    Joined: Jan '18
    Posts: 11


    Thanks for the reply, I hadn't thought of that. I did a Manual tune as you say and it has sorted out the problem. Thanks again

    | Tue 18 Apr 2023 6:26:05 #3 |

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