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Aura Dolby Atmos Support

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    I’m on the beta program and Plex passes on most audio bitstreams to my Marantz 7011 (Aura connected directly to the amp), but DTS and DTS-HD stutter, e.g. audio and video stutter.

    I’ve not comprehensively tested all codecs, btw, and I’ve seen Atmos work with some test material.

    | Tue 30 Mar 2021 20:30:45 #11 |
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    SSThing - 17 hours ago  » 

    Yan2k - 1 day ago  » 
    interesting read and pretty much confirms what I'd said
    whilst the Aura does have options in device settings->sound for DD-trueHD and DTS-HD its not passing on this to my AV receiver at least not via Plex.
    its most likely a combination of the two, possibly more on the plex side that's the issue.
    Got me thinking though, will try connecting my USB HD and see how it handles various files that way when I have time.

    Is your Aura connected directly to your AVR or is it via the TV? If the latter, it may be that your TV is not capable of passthrough for Atmos?

    I've tried it both ways

    Aura -> TV >- eARC AV Reciever
    Aura -> Av Reciever - TV

    yes the formats are supported by the TV according to LG Website

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 8:28:56 #12 |
  3. The Moog

    The Moog

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    Posts: 44


    That is encouraging Ariharry.

    My Aura is connected directly to my Marantz amp and will only output 5.1, with no TrueHD, Atmos, DTS-HD, or DTS:X being passed from Plex. Several other devices can pass this audio data from the same network library to my AVR, so it is not an issue with the media or AVR setup.

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 8:39:48 #13 |
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    I've found the Aura will only pass audio in the following formats: DD+ (including Atmos in the DD+ stream from streaming services) and plain DTS. It doesn't support DTS-HD MA or Dolby True HD. It's a little frustrating really. But hopefully can be added in a future update?

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 15:24:46 #14 |
  5. Barry


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    Some comments from programmer I have been asked to post:

    • Dolby TrueHD passthrough

    At the moment it is not supported by SoC(System-On-Chip) we used for Aura.
    We have been confirmed that Dolby TrueHD will be supported in next Android version.

    • Dolby Atmos

    There are two types of Dolby Atmos : Atmos with DDP & Atmos with Dolby TrueHD.

    *) Atmos with DDP : Currently supported. e.g.) Prime video Jack Ryan.
    But Disney+ App supports Atmos only with Android 10(Q).

    *) Atmos with Dolby TrueHD : will be supported from next Android version.

    The next android major update is scheduled for later this year.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 16:25:06 #15 |
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    SSThing - 2 days ago  » 

    Yan2k - 1 day ago  » 
    interesting read and pretty much confirms what I'd said
    whilst the Aura does have options in device settings->sound for DD-trueHD and DTS-HD its not passing on this to my AV receiver at least not via Plex.
    its most likely a combination of the two, possibly more on the plex side that's the issue.
    Got me thinking though, will try connecting my USB HD and see how it handles various files that way when I have time.

    Is your Aura connected directly to your AVR or is it via the TV? If the latter, it may be that your TV is not capable of passthrough for Atmos?

    Hi Barry,

    With me it's connected directly to my Denon AVR-X2500H via HDMI, I have no problems with DTS-HD MA or True HD using my Nvidia Shield or Windows PC which are also connected, I've tired every single option available on the Aura, but nothing changes, the best I can achieve is DD+ or DTS.

    EDIT: Ignore this post... Your post above explains, thanks!

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 20:10:55 #16 |
  7. The Moog

    The Moog

    Joined: Nov '20
    Posts: 44


    Hi Barry,

    Thanks for the information, that is good news. Would you also be able to find out about DTS-HD and DTS:X support? A quick try of a selection of local files (that all play fine and pass the correct audio to the AVR when using the Shield) using Plex on the Aura with passthrough set to HDMI shows:

    DTS-HD Master and DTS:X: Files play but stutter, sound continually drops out and is white noise.
    Dolby TrueHD and Dolby Atmos: Some files refuse to play, ones that do the sound is just stereo.

    Obviously it would be great to get all of the sound formats correctly passed from the Aura over HDMI.

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 11:25:27 #17 |

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