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Aura firmware update?

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    Mr Moley

    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 23


    Have there been a recent update especially in relation to the Channel 4 problem?

    | Fri 16 Dec 2022 10:17:16 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Mr Moley - 2 hours ago  » 
    Have there been a recent update especially in relation to the Channel 4 problem?

    The only Channel 4 problem I can recollect was a broadcaster issue and eventually corrected by the broadcaster making a change at their end. If you are still having problems then I suggest you explain the symptoms here.

    | Fri 16 Dec 2022 13:14:38 #2 |
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    special member
    Joined: Mar '22
    Posts: 139


    No Aura updates since August 2021.

    What Channel 4 problem?

    | Fri 16 Dec 2022 13:17:08 #3 |
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    special member
    Joined: Mar '17
    Posts: 348


    No channel 4 problem that I am aware of.

    | Fri 16 Dec 2022 16:02:51 #4 |

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