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Aura recordings reboot back to start of recordings

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    I know there has been threads on this before but its just got to much!Tried watching dancing on ice the other night and after every contestant it would stop and you had to start from beginning and fast forward to last watched position. As this is the worst its ever been I have done a factory reset and I am leaving off the internet connection to see if that works? Any apps or catchup I will use my firestick.
    If it works and just functions as a normal 3 tuner video recorder I will be pleased.
    And I'm hoping live programmes wont reboot as they did many times on switch on.
    Just hope it works?

    | Wed 31 Jan 2024 17:32:34 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    bobspark - 1 hour ago  » 
    If it works and just functions as a normal 3 tuner video recorder I will be pleased.
    And I'm hoping live programmes wont reboot as they did many times on switch on.

    I wish I understood the problem; I had an instant recording last week that was impossible to skip through. However no subsequent problems. Let us know how you get on.

    | Wed 31 Jan 2024 19:10:55 #2 |
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    We always skip through Dancing on Ice to get the best bits and we didn't have any issues with ours.

    It seems you either get a good one our a bad one, luckily ours is the latter and we rarely have issues with it.

    One thing I always do is a channel reset every time changes are made to the Freeview line up. I know there is not normally any need as the Aura works out the small changes itself, but I just prefer to do so.

    | Fri 2 Feb 2024 10:48:44 #3 |
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    Yes so far so good machine is working perfectly ,and the only annoyance is when you go to programme guide a box pops up asking you to connect to the internet which you have to cancel before proceeding. So no reboots whatsoever and recordings play faultlessly , but will have wait and see if all is well and will report again in say 3 weeks time.Fingers crossed!

    | Tue 13 Feb 2024 19:27:31 #4 |
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    Well it seems to be working by not connecting to the internet and no apps , no black screens or constant rebooting. No continuous trying fixes which work for say 2 weeks and then the problems start all over again.I haven't even bothered with connecting for the second update its showing V0007 I think there was one after that.
    My second box the first one suffered the tuner problems that are well documented in this forum. But now it just works perfectly as Freeview 3 channel recording machine.
    I just hope it continues and I'm not pushing my luck with this final post.

    | Sun 3 Mar 2024 10:21:03 #5 |
  6. Geoff_W


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    bobspark - 6 hours ago  » 
    "...But now it just works perfectly as Freeview 3 channel recording machine."

    That's strange. I can record 4 simultaneous programmes and watch a recording at the same time.

    | Sun 3 Mar 2024 17:03:27 #6 |
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    Geoff_W - 48 mins ago  » 

    bobspark - 6 hours ago  » 
    "...But now it just works perfectly as Freeview 3 channel recording machine."

    That's strange. I can record 4 simultaneous programmes and watch a recording at the same time.

    Record 5 using timeshift

    | Sun 3 Mar 2024 17:53:27 #7 |
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    Yes so can mine your missing the point it now does what it says on the tin in regard to being a freeview recording machine without the glitches .Shame about the apps but I use my firestick for that. I also appreciate there may be users that from day one have never had any trouble ,but a lot of us have had nothing but hassle.
    Just hope it continues to work and I don't have to return to the forum saying its playing up again.

    | Sun 3 Mar 2024 18:32:59 #8 |
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    I am experiencing apparent drop-outs when replaying recordings - suddenly the replay stops and the main Home menu appears. It only stated a couple of weeks ago after 2 years with no such problems, and I have also see it when watching ITVX. Typically such drop-outs appear at intervals of 15-30 minutes, but this is very variable. Attempting to watch the whole recording again does not lead to drop-outs at the same places, so it does not appear to be a problem in the recording itself. When I look at the recording list after such a drop-out, it does not show the recording as having been watched at all.

    Has anyone any idea how to cure this?

    | Fri 15 Mar 2024 19:32:55 #9 |

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