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Aura unwanted recordings

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    Joined: May '17
    Posts: 10


    I ma moving from an FVP4000T to an Aura (received yesterday)> I noticed that the Aura had lots of red recording indicators in its programme guide as soon as it loaded it. They look just like the ones in the 4000T. I set up some schedules, and I can see they show as "R" in the guide.

    Now, a day later, I can see that its recording the programmes that I didnt ask it to, and I cant find a way of removing them from the schedule. It is causing friction in the household!!!

    I imagine its guessing which programmes I might like to watch as I've watched some of them in the distant past,eg Bob Mortimers fishing programme and Abandoned Engineering.


    | Sat 16 Dec 2023 17:04:29 #1 |
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    Not sure what you are saying…. do you mean there were programs already in the schedule when you first turned it on? If so it could be a returned product?

    If you are meaning a red arrow in a circle, that means that it’s available to watch now using the catchup services if you wish.

    I would start by deleting everything from the scheduled recording list, either individually or in bulk by selecting each one using the REW button to select them all the. Pressing the red button.

    Next set up the recordings you need or some test recordings first.

    | Sat 16 Dec 2023 21:03:45 #2 |
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    Posts: 191


    White circle with a red triangle in the middle pointing right is not an indicator of a recording, but a programme that is available to stream now rather than waiting for the live Freeview broadcast.
    White circle with a white R inside indicates you have selected that programme for recording.
    Series link recordings are a white circle with the R inside with two circles underneath like a stack of coins if you will.
    Are dot with a red circle indicates a recording is in progress.

    "I imagine its guessing which programmes I might like to watch as I've watched some of them in the distant past,eg Bob Mortimers fishing programme and Abandoned Engineering."

    Don't attribute intelligence to the Aura something it does not have.

    To the left of the Apps button on the remote control is the recording list button press that and you will get a list of your recorded programmes.
    You can also see what you have scheduled. Select Schedule press OK.
    If you have set up series recordings and the series has finished the Aura does not delete the programme from the Schedule list when the series has finished broadcasting. When you know a series has finished its current run then
    you can delete it from the Schedule list.

    Read your manual.

    | Sun 17 Dec 2023 8:08:42 #3 |

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