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Auto Refresh Rate

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    Yeah I noticed that but haven't had a chanced to play around with it though. Have to admit the update has sorted out a lot problems. Sound and picture pixelation seems to be sorted.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2021 16:49:41 #11 |
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    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 
    Pointed out elsewhere.
    If you press S/AD twice a number appears before the Video resolution. Pressing this number cycles to the next resolution available for the same framerate.
    Not had to chance to play with this for 60Hz and 24Hz content.

    You sir and those who spotted this should work for NASA. I saw the number but didn’t know it meant anything. Is there a readme for the update that explains all this in detail?

    | Sat 23 Jan 2021 17:05:31 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    boogersa - 12 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 
    Pointed out elsewhere.
    If you press S/AD twice a number appears before the Video resolution. Pressing this number cycles to the next resolution available for the same framerate.
    Not had to chance to play with this for 60Hz and 24Hz content.

    You sir and those who spotted this should work for NASA. I saw the number but didn’t know it meant anything. Is there a readme for the update that explains all this in detail?

    I didn't spot it. Someone else spotted it another thread. I tried to alter the options using the red and green buttons.

    No read me. Just the on screen info frames on first boot after update applied, which you cannot get back to read again.

    Bit early to expect an update to the pdf user manual.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2021 17:21:40 #13 |
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    I’m glad Humax are listening to customers.

    The auto refresh capability also kinda adjusts resolution but the implementation needs more work.

    For example, using prime video, content that is 1080 24Hz triggers a resolution change to 4k 24Hz. It correctly detects the source material as 1080p 24 Hz but can’t adjust the resolution to 1080p to match. Frame rate is matched. Pressing S/AD doesn’t give you the override option of 1080p24, only 1080p60.

    Switching to live TV switches resolution to 1080p 50 Hz, which is better than the 4k default before.

    The black screen and no audio bugs are still there, so I’ll continue to use my reliable FVP-4000t until they fix those issues.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2021 21:28:28 #14 |
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    Oh, and Plex does the same, forces 1080p24 content to show as 4k24. So close ... come on Humax, you can do it

    | Sat 23 Jan 2021 21:33:22 #15 |

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