My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

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    Joined: Mar '17
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    Its the slowest Humax I have owned, the HDR-Fox T2 runs rings around it speed wise, but you do get used to it. Not easy when you still have an HDR in the household though ????

    | Wed 5 Sep 2018 17:59:58 #21 |
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    special member
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    Harters - 3 hours ago  » 
    Its the slowest Humax I have owned, the HDR-Fox T2 runs rings around it speed wise, but you do get used to it. Not easy when you still have an HDR in the household though ????

    You would think that nowadays they could put a decent CPU and enough RAM in these things to give them some 'go'. It's not as though we're in the infancy of CPU and RAM design.

    | Wed 5 Sep 2018 21:24:52 #22 |

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