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BBC programmes will not play properly

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    Martin Liddle

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    Queenie - 1 week ago  » 
    Still no joy! There have been weird things happening to my list of recorded programmes. Tonight, there were some programmes with the wrong titles and 2 programmes indicating the same title but one was a completely different programme. One programme would not delete. Then suddenly the list went back to normal.
    Initially this evening I couldn't get the box to switch on until I did a re-boot.

    To me that sounds like either a file system problem or an issue with the hard drive. I would suggest contacting Humax to discuss the issue.

    | Tue 16 Mar 2021 16:16:56 #31 |
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    Joined: Oct '20
    Posts: 25


    Thanks for the advice, Martin.
    Since my last post I haven't had any further problems with mixed up recordings as mentioned except for one issue with a a serial on bbc 4. None of the episodes recorded properly - totally pixelated.
    However, I 'm still having problems with watching programmes on the Freeview players.Despite the fact I have altered my video settings to sd and a medium resolution I'm still getting constant buffering and error messages. It appears that my wifi signal keeps dropping. There is nothing wrong with my wifi as all my other devices are working perfectly.
    I had a similar problem quite a while back before Christmas and it was suggested that the wifi card in the box had got an issue. I rebooted and the problem went away.
    I can watch anything on the different channel players on my laptop.
    I recently read some of the recent reviews for this box on Amazon and they were critical of its performance. I've only had mine since Aug. 2019.

    | Tue 16 Mar 2021 17:16:33 #32 |

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