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BBC programmes will not play properly

(32 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Queenie - 20 mins ago  » 
    I'm sure it does and you probably have fibre broadband.
    I just checked the bbc iplayer website and my speed should be enough and I've already changed to SD. In any case, why should i suddenly be having this problem with just one channel when all has been well up until recently?
    I will check with Plusnet and I will try and follow all your links.Thanks.

    It's not fibre Virgin use coax cabling. Remember the ad about special coax

    | Thu 25 Feb 2021 12:39:01 #21 |
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    Just checked my broadband contract and the speeds I've recorded are more or less what I'm contracted to receive. They have been reasonably adequate up to now.

    | Thu 25 Feb 2021 12:52:59 #22 |
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    Thanks for all your info and help.

    | Thu 25 Feb 2021 12:53:46 #23 |
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    Hi Graham,
    I'm afraid I'm back again!
    At the time I thought it was true that i didn't seem to have any problems with itv hub and C4 on Freeview Player but i obviously didn't check for long enough. There are sporadic hold-ups during playback and sometimes I get messages that something went wrong.
    Now I have got a sound problem as well. I have a Minx TV speaker in my system which is connected to my Humax box and my TV. Again that has caused me problems fairly recently and i had some help from Cambridge Audio and the problem was solved but with reservations. Yesterday I found that there was no sound from my speaker when connected to the pvr.
    My speaker is connected to my TV via the headphone socket and to the pvr by an RCA cable.

    This there any chance that the Humax box itself is responsible for all these issues? And if so, what is my next step?

    | Sat 27 Feb 2021 17:36:51 #24 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Queenie - 1 hour ago  » 
    My speaker is connected to my TV via the headphone socket and to the pvr by an RCA cable.

    I am not sure if this is necessary but you might check if in General settings>Video turning on SD output helps.

    | Sat 27 Feb 2021 19:13:21 #25 |
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    I went to Settings and turned SD to Always On and then watched a BBC programme on iplayer. There were a few incidents of short buffering then I got the error message 02110 'Something went wrong playing this programme'like I had before. i had previously changed the video quality to 720.

    | Sat 27 Feb 2021 19:56:52 #26 |
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    This is getting beyond a joke now.
    I have just watched one of my recorded programmes and half way through the screen went blank and then the Humax logo came up on the screen.

    I had to start it again from the beginning. I fast forwarded to where I'd got to and the recording then carried on normally to the end.

    Never happened before. In fact all these peculiar behaviours have only ever happened recently.

    | Sat 27 Feb 2021 22:01:29 #27 |
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    More bizarre behaviour!
    Two programmes recorded one after the other. The first one seemed ok but i haven't watched all of it. The second one had a completely scrambled screen and was unwatchable.
    Another one indicated on the start screen that it had not recorded but when I pressed play it seemed to start ok.

    | Sat 27 Feb 2021 22:37:23 #28 |
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    Still no joy! There have been weird things happening to my list of recorded programmes. Tonight, there were some programmes with the wrong titles and 2 programmes indicating the same title but one was a completely different programme. One programme would not delete. Then suddenly the list went back to normal.

    Initially this evening I couldn't get the box to switch on until I did a re-boot.
    I have raised the issue with my ISP - Plusnet. They said my wifi set-up was fine and adequate enough for my devices.
    I find this all very frustrating and just want to know whether I need to get a new box.

    | Tue 2 Mar 2021 21:29:45 #29 |
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    I've had similar problems on the Aura. Catchup players generally unreliable, but Netflix and Prime ok. Now and again live TV skips for a nano second. My connection is wired.

    | Tue 16 Mar 2021 16:05:15 #30 |

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