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Black Screen bug. Solved

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    I've raised the black screen bug a few times here, even raised it with humax without any acknowledgement at all. This is where you can access everything but live TV which just shows a black screen and the only method to restore live TV is to power off completetly and it takes a few minutes to restart Android. I thought I was going mad and after 3 months of dealing with this issue I finally diagnosed this bug myself and found the solution. You can all try this at home to confirm the bug and I'll be posting it to Humax with my sanity fully restored.

    Black screen bug solved

    | Sun 25 Jun 2023 13:03:05 #1 |
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    Link has been disabled so I'll give it another try

    Black Screen Bug

    | Sun 25 Jun 2023 15:25:36 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Chrissssss - 2 hours ago  » 
    Link has been disabled so I'll give it another try
    Black Screen Bug

    Interesting. I think there are other forms of the black screen bug where it can be recovered from by changing channel or starting to play a recording and then stopping it but I do agree that sometimes nothing will restore the live TV display other than a power down but your approach of restarting the apps sounds very interesting and I will try it next time I see the problem. Thank you.

    | Sun 25 Jun 2023 18:06:54 #3 |
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    Interesting, but not something I have experienced so far as far as I can remember.

    | Mon 26 Jun 2023 15:43:04 #4 |
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    Just use one of the apps immediately after start up for 10 mins+ then go back to live TV

    Haven't managed defined specific timings yet but we watch music videos on yt a lot (Glasdenbury). Just noticed it's same with BBC iPlayer

    | Mon 26 Jun 2023 15:59:30 #5 |
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    I use YouTube, iPlayer and Plex daily and haven’t experienced it yet.

    | Mon 26 Jun 2023 17:10:55 #6 |
  7. Norrette


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    Mine is where switching channels from the EPG resolves the issue. It often happens at 7pm, when BBC4 starts. I am also getting the message on the TV about the Aura's ability to record HD yet this is not supported by TV stations (Sony Bravia) I get sound but no picture. I think it might be something to do with the telly blocking the HD signal. Then again...

    Not a good box, but hey they're gonna come up with a new one.

    | Tue 4 Jul 2023 13:39:11 #7 |
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    I'm sure they will be coming out with a new one but I won't be buying any as clearly Humax do not give a **** about their customers after how they have handled the Aura debacle.

    | Tue 4 Jul 2023 15:23:13 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I finally got a chance to test the fix for the black screen bug. I had brought the Aura out of standby and live TV was working, I attempted to play a recording and got a black screen, I stopped the recording and live TV was still working. I tried the suggest fix of "Restart all apps" and now both live TV and recordings produced a black screen. Putting the box into standby and waiting for it to shutdown and then restarting fixed the black screen problem for both live TV and recordings. My conclusion is that there are several causes of the black screen problem and the suggested fix does not cure all black screen problems.

    | Sat 26 Aug 2023 14:12:50 #9 |
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    Chrissssss - 1 year ago  » 
    I've raised the black screen bug a few times here, even raised it with humax without any acknowledgement at all. This is where you can access everything but live TV which just shows a black screen and the only method to restore live TV is to power off completetly and it takes a few minutes to restart Android. I thought I was going mad and after 3 months of dealing with this issue I finally diagnosed this bug myself and found the solution. You can all try this at home to confirm the bug and I'll be posting it to Humax with my sanity fully restored.
    ]Black screen bug solved[/url]

    That sounds frustrating! I'm actually facing a similar issue but with a white screen instead. I have tried everything from restarting to resetting, but no luck so far. Would love to know how you diagnosed and fixed yours might give me some ideas!

    | Thu 17 Oct 2024 4:49:56 #10 |

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