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box froze on demand and now no remote??

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    Joined: Feb '14
    Posts: 13


    Hi JamesB and Repassac,
    Thanks for all your help so far, This has just got really weird though!!
    I run lost partion software all last night and data recovery stuff but to no avail.
    even some Linux stuff don't see this HDD.
    couple of programs recognise the hdd and find errors on it.
    The Western Digital lifegaurd diagnostic finds fault but can't fix.
    So I guess the drive is gone.
    So why is it when I give up all hope and reasemble ready for the exchage on Monday it now suddenly works including the remote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All recordings are there and the old and new remote now both work!!
    Is it really possible that errors on a HDD can cause this much grief!!
    Now the box is working what is the best way to get these recording off of it please???

    Many Thanks

    | Sat 4 Jul 2015 14:57:17 #21 |


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 4,100


    currymunster - I have some bad news - you can't copy the recordings. The recordings partition is encrypted and without knowing the key nothing except the Humax will read it.
    If Humax have followed their previous method of how we think the encryption key was derived then it is unique to the unit. Previous they encrypted HD programmes now the complete filing system of one partition.

    One suggestion when you pack the unit include a reference to this thread - It may aid Humax to find what went wrong originally.

    Edit: If you want to experiment and have software that can bit copy any partition you could try restoring the recordings partition (largest) to the new unit when you get it. It is just possible that Humax use the same key on all units.

    | Sat 4 Jul 2015 15:31:51 #22 |

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