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Box switches on for unknown reason ? Repeatedly

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    Joined: May '18
    Posts: 37


    Humax fvp 4000t
    Switches on for unknown reason

    This only happens when connected to the internet by ethernet cable. Connected by wifi it does not happen.

    There could be many reasons for this ... anything from an innocent operating system error ... to something more sinister with PRIVACY implications.

    Wifi connections have individual password authentication on each router, but ethernet connections do not require authentication. I know that ISPs can interrogate routers for settings controlled by them, a hacker or virus could probably connect from that to the ethernet ports ... so connecting to anything with a hard connection ... including Humax boxes, collecting information on who is recording what.

    Also it could be that this only affects some ISPs, TalkTalk for instance have admitted problems with hackers. There has also been publicity about devices connected by bluetooth being a security risk.

    I would be interested in anyone with the same problem.
    Also interested in the opinion of Humax o/s programers.

    | Mon 7 May 2018 20:31:26 #1 |
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    May have no connection, but when I first had my 5000T, I was also using another non-Humax box and using its remote kept turning the Humax on.

    | Mon 7 May 2018 21:48:17 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    My 5000T boots up several times a day when other remotes are used. It's certain it's due to infra red activity, as the box is fine if the infra red receiver is covered.

    | Tue 8 May 2018 8:19:02 #3 |
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    On the other side, my Humax remote frequently and randomly turns on my Dyson AM09 fan. When it happens, I try to repeat the button presses on the Humax remote but it never works.

    | Tue 8 May 2018 10:05:12 #4 |

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