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Can't get or cast UK TV Play to Humax HDR-1000S

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    Can't get UK TV Play on Humax HDR-1000S (says link doesn't work) and I can't cast it from my Android phone.

    Any ideas or info?

    I can get YouTube and can cast it too. I'm trying to get Mad Dogs on the TV as although I can see it on the UK TV PLay app on my phone, I prefer to see it big.


    | Sun 2 Jun 2024 21:55:40 #1 |
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    That post was meant to be about getting UKTV Play on On-Demand (like bbc i-player).

    | Tue 11 Jun 2024 19:46:19 #2 |
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    Dave have been airing the first season on Mad Dogs.

    | Tue 11 Jun 2024 20:21:30 #3 |
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    Yes, thanks, unfortunately I missed the 1st episode.

    | Wed 12 Jun 2024 7:48:34 #4 |
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    Hi Rocksta,

    Been using Humax 1100S for many years. Didn't know you could cast to UKTV App. Did they ever release one? The only app (to my knowledge - please correct if I am wrong) is the Youtube App, but its very buggy when using remote, but it functions with Smartphone/tablet app. I tend to only use Firestick apps these days, as Humax apps for this pvr are not updated anymore. John L

    | Wed 12 Jun 2024 15:17:04 #5 |
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    Hi JL,

    You can get a 'UKTV Play' app for Android
    you can pair your TV from their web-site
    ... but the Humax says 'Link unavailable'

    UKTV Play have said a factory reset might work, but then we'd lose all our recordings.

    I haven't looked into Firestick yet.

    | Wed 12 Jun 2024 16:03:41 #6 |
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    Hi Rocksta,

    Yes you can obtain app from Playstore, BUT its not designed for Humax pvr! Have you managed to get it to work before now? I think you are thinking of the newer Humax Aura that obtains apps from playstore. All the apps built into the Humax 1000/1100s are directly from Humax & you can't add more apps. The Youtube app can also be accessed from your smartphone/tablet via cast, but that's the only app that does this. Hence why you get the message : "link unavailable". If anyone else knows anything please can you comment to help Rocksta/plus correct me if I am wrong. John L

    | Wed 12 Jun 2024 16:08:36 #7 |
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    In the On-Demand page of my Humax box, along with BBC iplayer, YouTube etc, there is also UKTV Play. But it doesn't work.

    | Wed 12 Jun 2024 16:16:33 #8 |
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    special member
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    Hi Rocksta,

    Yes, there is an app on there for UKTV, but this doesn't have facility of Casting as with Youtube, as explained to you. My guess fault with app on demand is because of Freesat's problem at the moment with EPG logos etc not working (have a good read - bug has reappeared again & it needs Humax/Freesat to fix!):

    Once one bug appears it, also affects other functions on box. Have a look at your epg & you will see logo bug. It's linked to on demand & Freesat server.

    John L

    | Wed 12 Jun 2024 16:21:21 #9 |

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