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can't record BBC

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    Posts: 2


    Since the analog switch-off I can't record anything on any BBC channel, the picture and sound freezes throughout. I have a PVR 9300T, it can record any other channel. Haven't retuned channels as don't want to lose the rest. Anyone know the answer? Thanks! Andy

    | Sun 12 Aug 2012 20:55:41 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Haven't retuned channels

    That is why then. On DSO channels will have been moved around to other frequencies.

    | Sun 12 Aug 2012 21:37:19 #2 |
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    I retuned all the channels when I bought the Humax. The analog switchover had taken place two weeks earlier. So the new Humax has been retuned post-switchover. Only it won't either record BBC, nor will it show BBC channels just for viewing, without freezing, pixellation etc.
    So - do I have to retune the Humax again? There is no more work being done on our local transmitter and the BBC signal is fine on the telly. I am trying to avoid retuning again in case I lose all channels and scheduled recordings. Thanks, Andy.

    | Mon 13 Aug 2012 12:48:18 #3 |
  4. Biggles


    special member
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    Posts: 621


    Try this.

    | Mon 13 Aug 2012 12:58:12 #4 |

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