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Can't stop menu scrolling on HDR 1100S & HDR 1000S

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    Two boxes with the same symptoms: HDR 1100S and HDR 1000S
    Struggle to get it to sense remote button pushes, but then a delayed reaction where the on screen menu continuously scrolls round. Can be initiated by pressing "home" or when trying to select an item on the guide or recordings menu.
    Tried taking out remote batteries and proved it is not related to the remote sending repeatedly.
    Tried changing the remote "MODE" which had no effect on the symptoms
    Can't control the menu to get into settings to establish software build or update the software.
    Tried swapping the power supply with a third unit - no change.
    Can't see a hardware reset pin hole or other means to reset the box physically
    Can't control any functions using the push buttons on the top of the STB
    Tried moving the STB a meter away from other equipment to ensure no RF EMC interference - no effect.
    (The HDR 1000S has never been used until now and is exhibiting the same problems as the well used HDR 1100S)

    | Mon 30 Dec 2019 11:25:18 #1 |
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    Sounds like a button is stuck down.
    If you have a 'phone with a camera, turn on the camera and (without pressing any buttons), point the remote at the lens. If a button is stuck, you will see the infra red led flashing or on constant.
    If it is a stuck button you can try tweaking them all to straighten them otherwise prise the case apart and clean up all the contacts.

    | Mon 30 Dec 2019 12:21:45 #2 |
  3. aldaweb


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    As you've already tried removing the batteries, are there any other sources of IR that could have a stuck button. Test all your remotes by the method outlined by SSThing to see if any are constantly sending.

    | Mon 30 Dec 2019 14:11:30 #3 |
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    Used phone to test remotes as suggested and proved that not to be the problem.
    Two days after experiencing the problem it vanished. Everything now working as normal. As suggested I am suspicious an infrared source is being detected from somewhere but as yet not identified it.
    Similar problem experienced on my PC monitor which has IR input and screen adjustment via an IR remote. Over the same period I had problems with the menu box permanently displaying on the screen, and the IR remote did not work. That too has now resolved itself. Very puzzling but can't think what might be emitting the IR (if that was the problem). Currently no problems at all!

    | Mon 13 Jan 2020 10:25:07 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Gotgordon - 29 mins ago  » 
    As suggested I am suspicious an infrared source is being detected from somewhere but as yet not identified it.

    If it isn't a little used remote stuck down the side of a chair or under a book then various other things like faulty domestic lighting have been found to cause the problem.

    | Mon 13 Jan 2020 10:57:06 #5 |

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