My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T


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    Left Sky who had easy menu. Now have FVP-5000T.
    Can I show categories i.e News, Films, Documentaries etc.
    If so how and please keep it simple.

    | Wed 2 Mar 2022 16:59:30 #1 |
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    Regrettably not. The only sorting opportunities you have got are those listed on the left hand side when you select "Recording", namely "Programme" (by date order with series recordings grouped), "Channel" and "Day of week".

    | Wed 2 Mar 2022 21:00:44 #2 |
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    The Humax 5000T does have a Genre Search.

    Press the Guide button on the remote control.
    You will see the EPG.
    At the bottom you will see + Option, press the + button on the remote control.
    You will now see three options.

    Change Group
    Change Genre
    Jump To Date

    Select Change Genre press the OK button on the remote.

    At the top of the screen under Genre you will see a horizontal list of 'genres' keep scrolling to the right
    to see the entire list.
    Please give the 5000T a few seconds to catch up, pressing on a category right away may
    show no entries. Using the 5000T is a bit like trying to get your grandmother into your car.
    Select your genre and click on the OK button.
    You will now see a list of that days programmes that fit the genre selected.
    There may be more than one page use the left and right arrows on the remote to change page,
    also note the options on the bottom of the page.
    If you see a programme you are interested in you scroll to the programme and press OK
    the EPG will open and you will be able to select it for recording or set a reminder.
    Press the Return button to return to the Genre search or the X button to leave the search
    and return to the EPG, press the X again to return to 'live' viewing.

    | Thu 3 Mar 2022 6:42:10 #3 |
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    Yes, that is true. I was only thinking about programmes already recorded, not those in the EPG.

    | Thu 3 Mar 2022 8:42:20 #4 |
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    Thanks guys but here we go again. Have listed favourite channels
    but when I highlight one & OK it it just puts ticks in. How on earth do I play it.
    Must admit that although I don't wish to I might be forced to go back to Sky before I have heart attack.

    | Thu 3 Mar 2022 16:09:21 #5 |
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    To set up a group of favourite channels click on the Freeview button on the remote,
    go to Settings> Channel Settings> Favourite Channels.
    Go down the list on the left and select the channels you want to save as Favourite 1.
    Having checked the boxes of the channels you want in Favourite 1 click the + button.
    The chosen channels wil be shown on the right of the screen.
    Press the X on the remote and you will be asked to Save the changes.

    You can also use the + Edit function to Remove or Move channels,
    Change Favourite will allow you to set up another group of favourite channels
    and you can also change the name of the group from the default Favourite 1, Favourite 2 etc.

    To access this new group of Favourites click on the Guide button on the remote,
    click + Option and select Change Group.
    You will then be asked to choose which group of channels to view.


    or any Favourites you have set up.

    | Thu 3 Mar 2022 17:56:14 #6 |
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    Thanks vitaminD, I'm going to owe you big time.
    No idea how long it might take for me to learn the ins & outs of Humax but I suspect I won't liv+e long enough.
    You are a gentleman.

    | Thu 3 Mar 2022 18:59:45 #7 |
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    mnths ago  » 
    Thanks guys but here we go again. Have listed favourite channels
    but when I highlight one & OK it it just puts ticks in. How on earth do I play it.
    Must admit that although I don't wish to I might be forced to go back to Sky before I have heart attack.</blockquote

    Ok click on guide then when tv guide up click on list then favourites and your favourites are listed.

    | Thu 30 Jun 2022 12:46:29 #8 |

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