TV model?
My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T
(17 posts)
| Sun 15 Aug 2021 20:20:34 #11 |
Hi it’s a
55 HK15T74U
I will dig another tv out tomorrow snd see if I can get to that resolution screen there
Appreciate your help thank you!| Sun 15 Aug 2021 20:59:54 #12 | -
OK, that TV is 4k so should be able to display all the resolutions.
Bare in mind though, when connected to a 4k (2160) TV you will have an option on the 4000t to select 2160 but DONT it doesn't work and produces a very poor image.
Check all the hdmi connections and make sure that you are choosing the correct input when you switch the TV on, you won't be the first or last to think that their Humax is faulty and it turns out the TV is on the wrong input.| Mon 16 Aug 2021 7:46:41 #13 | -
So.. plugged humax into a different tv and managed to go back to original resolution!! Yippee!!
Thank you so very much fioryour help!!!!!! Very very very much appreciated!!!!| Mon 16 Aug 2021 16:17:12 #14 | -
Now you know it can be reset by swapping to another TV (despite it being a frustration), I would try setting it to 1080p again and see what happens.
I suspect that you previously (inadvertently) set 2160, which on my 4k TV is very poor because the 4000t is not a proper 4k capable machine but your TV may react differently.
Or, you had set a very low resolution and your TV upscaling meant that it magnified the screen so much that it blocked out the visible menu.| Mon 16 Aug 2021 16:27:52 #15 | -
Changed it to 1080p on the original tv and it’s ok!
Thank you so very much again!! I was gonna throw it in the bin and buy another!!| Mon 16 Aug 2021 16:35:47 #16 | -
It may have been nothing more than a glitch. Impossible to know now but it may have needed nothing more than pulling the hdmi lead out of the TV and then putting it back.
| Mon 16 Aug 2021 17:41:02 #17 |
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