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Channel 4 HD and All 4 to leave Freesat

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    Devastating news:

    Will it still be possible to watch in "non-freesat mode"?

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 12:57:52 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    jcwacky - 8 minutes ago  » 
    Devastating news:
    Will it still be possible to watch in "non-freesat mode"?

    Depends if they are going back to encrypted on Sky.

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 13:07:32 #2 |
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    As C4 are a public broadcaster funded by taxpayers,should they not be providing all services on all available platforms ?

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 16:33:57 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    POPPY - 1 minute ago  » 
    As C4 are a public broadcaster funded by taxpayers,should they not be providing all services on all available platforms ?

    Only applies to SD.

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 16:35:38 #4 |
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    POPPY - 1 hour ago  » 
    As C4 are a public broadcaster funded by taxpayers

    Only applies to the BBC?

    Channel 4 was going to get some public funds starting in 2009 for six years but I don't remember that happening in the end. Channel 4 themselves repeatedly publish that they are not currently publicly funded. E.g.
    "zero cost to the taxpayer".

    Have you got a link to any details about the public funding you are referring to and when it was?

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 18:27:10 #5 |
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    What Hi-Fi quotes Channel 4 as saying that this is because Freesat has levied a very significant fee increase at them:

    Let's hope that good sense prevails and the respective parties agree something mutually satisfactory.

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 20:43:14 #6 |
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    So everyone will need to look at their planner with some urgency to ascertain what programmes they have set for C4 HD as after Thursday their recordings will fail.

    Strange business decision by Freesat to alienate your customers in this manner.

    At least we have a Freeview PVR, a Youview PVR and our TV has Freeview Play with the ability to record to an external HD so all is not lost.

    Bit of a bummer for those who rely almost totally on Freesat though.

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 22:26:11 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    JungleMartin - 2 hours ago  » 
    What Hi-Fi quotes Channel 4 as saying that this is because Freesat has levied a very significant fee increase at them:
    Let's hope that good sense prevails and the respective parties agree something mutually satisfactory.

    That doesn't make much sense to me.

    Freesat by virtue of it's license is not allowed to discriminate against any fta broadcaster including those from the joint owners (ITV and BBC).

    We aren't aware of the current epg fees, however any increase in costs has to be applicable to all.

    Before you ask, Freesat is a ring fenced company designed to help those in areas that following DSO would lose many non PSB channels from those not capable of reception of the 3 PSB post DSO mux.

    Not sure what channel 4's beef is, pretty sure it's not down to any discrimination which would be against the licence.

    Only thing I can think of it's down to some change of policy in allowing a channel to share a single lcn for a HD channel on DVB-S2 boxes with SD boxes using DVB-S.

    We don't know what the reason is, perhaps Freesat have been told they can't allow PSB channels to allow the loop hole to allow a HD channel to replace a SD channel on Freesat.

    I have seen many post bemoaning the loss of CH4-SD on HD Freesat boxes, perhaps Freesat have been leaned on to provide both which would clearly increase the epg costs.

    | Tue 20 Feb 2018 23:17:31 #8 |
  9. davidrew


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    Does seem to be an odd decision which will push some to Freeview Play / YouView which have set top boxes already giving better parallel recording options (FVP-5000), more features and now more HD channels. I was waiting for the next generation Freesat UHD box but if Freesat cannot even retain mainstream HD channels and on-demand services what is the point? Also I can't say I fancy witching the F1 highlights in SD ....... A very backward and disappointing step.

    I agree with Faust, lets hope some common sense prevails and this can be sorted out.

    | Wed 21 Feb 2018 0:41:04 #9 |
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    grahamlthompson - 10 hours ago  » 
    I have seen many post bemoaning the loss of CH4-SD on HD Freesat boxes, perhaps Freesat have been leaned on to provide both which would clearly increase the epg costs.

    I don't understand, Graham. Is there or has there been some talk of the SD feed of Channel 4 disappearing from Freesat?

    Incidentally, I took a look in the EPG of my Freesat HD box and currently the C4HD programming is listed until the early hours of Saturday morning, and then goes blank. Of course, that is not to say that the channel will continue to work until then or things won't change before then.

    | Wed 21 Feb 2018 9:51:44 #10 |

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