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Cloning recordings from 1100S to replacement HD

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    I have a HDR-1100s and wish to replace the existing hard drive with a larger one. I have a lot of recordings on the existing drive that I do not want to lose.
    I am aware that one cannot export the recordings as they are encrypted due to DRM and can only be played through the box they were recorded on. I have read the article here:
    My question is: If I remove the existing hard drive, put it in a caddy and connect it to a PC and use cloning software such as Acronis True Image or EaseUS Disk Copy to clone the contents onto a new hard drive in a second caddy, will the existing recordings be recognised by the HDR-1100S when I install the new hard drive into it?

    | Tue 9 Jun 2020 13:33:53 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Pretty good chance it will work. I would use Macrium reflect as it can resize the the video partition to use the extra space on the larger HDD. I fitted a larger SSD to Win 10 machine using macrium reflect. It's free to non commercial users.

    | Tue 9 Jun 2020 13:38:28 #2 |
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    Thanks for the quick response, Graham. Seems like a good way of backing up those valuable recordings before the HD dies (as they all do, eventually!)

    | Tue 9 Jun 2020 14:14:14 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    alexphoenix - 18 mins ago  » 
    Thanks for the quick response, Graham. Seems like a good way of backing up those valuable recordings before the HD dies (as they all do, eventually!)

    Provided you are using the same motherboard. Posts on Hummy TV reveal the decryption key is formed from the serial number and MAC address. As these will remain the same the box should play the old recordings without issue.

    I have a 2TB in my 1000S. Not sure if a larger than 2TB will work

    Martin may know.

    | Tue 9 Jun 2020 14:36:25 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 
    Posts on Hummy TV reveal the decryption key is formed from the serial number and MAC address.

    That was true for the HDR-FOX T2 but isn't true for the HDR-2000T so I wouldn't be confident that it will work on an HDR-1100S but perhaps worth trying.

    I have a 2TB in my 1000S. Not sure if a larger than 2TB will work

    It depends on whether the partioning scheme is MBR or GPT. If it is MBR then the limit will be 2TB, if GPT then potentially much larger.

    | Tue 9 Jun 2020 17:27:52 #5 |
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    Just thought I'd add to this thread and report success! In our 1100S we had a particularly noisy WD Green HDD - it was a 2Tb HDD that I had inserted on purchasing the box. Everything worked OK, it was just that the HDD seemingly never stopped grinding away in the background to the degree that my wife and I agreed something had to be done! Luckily, I still had our old Sky+ box (we stopped subscribing some time ago) containing another 2Tb WD Green DHH, which I extracted with not much bother. Anyhow, I wiped the HDD from the Sky+, put in it an external drive enclosure and, using Gparted on my Linux Mint 19.3 laptop, deleted all partitions on it. I then extracted the 2Tb HDD from the Humax 1100S and inserted the "clean" one from the Sky+ box. Sure enough, the 1100S formatted the drive. I then took that HDD out again and placed that in another external drive enclosure whilst putting the "old" HDD originally in the 1100S in another drive enclosure.

    Within Linux I had to view the structures of both HDDs with root access powers given to the file manager (on Linux Mint Cinnamon edition it's Nemo). It appeared that the 1100S created three separated partitions. I located the partition containing our recorded items on the original HDD then copied them over to the newly formatted drive. It didn't actually take more time than it took me to walk the dog!

    Anyhow, the bottom line is that it worked. HD and SD recordings accessible and playable. The time and date of the "copied over" recordings now appears all wrong
    but, what the heck!? We're not complaining. What's more - the new HDD is SILENT!

    Win, win!

    | Fri 3 Jul 2020 15:39:04 #6 |

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