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Connecting 9200T to a Smart TV with no Scart.

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    david K

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    I have an old Humax 9200T that still works fine and on which my wife has some recordings she still wants to access.

    I have just upgraded our TV to a Panasonic TX-40DX700B UHD 4k Smart TV which does not have any Scart connectors. It has 3 HDMI, 3 USB and the legacy 5 x phono "Component" inputs. The 9200T has Scart and 3 x Phono "Composite" outputs.

    Is it possible to still connect the two devices?

    I have contacted Panasonic, but they had no suggestions.
    I understand you can get Scart to HDMI, or RCA Composite to HDMI adapters. Of these, which would be best and are there any recommended products.
    Also could I connect the 3 x Phone RCA Composite to the RCA Component putting the Yellow Video feed into the Green slot, and the Red and White Audio to the Red & White inputs?

    Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.

    | Tue 25 Oct 2016 12:54:50 #1 |
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    According to the spec here...

    ...that is a "Component Video Input shared with Composite". That might allow you to do as you suggest with 3 x phono composite.
    See here...

    | Tue 25 Oct 2016 13:27:46 #2 |
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    Pollensa1946 - 1 hour ago  » 
    See here...

    That is for a different TV but the TV manual for the TX-50DX700B also has a composite diagram.
    The green component socket on the TV is also marked with a sign indicting composite video.

    The Panasonic support site has downloadable manuals, including at least see models that are no longer sold.

    | Tue 25 Oct 2016 14:59:48 #3 |
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    I know it's a different TV, but the initial pages of that link make it clear that the description also applies to the OP's model.
    Page 57 of the EHelp...

    | Tue 25 Oct 2016 15:08:00 #4 |

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