My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » Aura UHD

Decided enough is enough

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    andyd1302 - 5 hours ago  » 

    clecysteve - 3 hours ago  » 

    DVB-2 (HD) signals tend to be more prone to interference, though the Aura's tuners (much like the FVP-5000T before it) seem to be super sensitive.

    I think you mean "super insensitive" YES? We live in a good reception area yet lose COM7 channels whenever we get a strong bout of high pressure. The TV's own tuners continue to receive the same channels without issue and so too does our Panasonic PVR.

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 15:05:01 #11 |
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    Faust - 17 mins ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 5 hours ago  » 

    clecysteve - 3 hours ago  » 
    DVB-2 (HD) signals tend to be more prone to interference, though the Aura's tuners (much like the FVP-5000T before it) seem to be super sensitive.

    I think you mean "super insensitive" YES? We live in a good reception area yet lose COM7 channels whenever we get a strong bout of high pressure. The TV's own tuners continue to receive the same channels without issue and so too does our Panasonic PVR.

    Yes, insensitive but sensitive LOL.

    I get the same as yours from my two Pannys.

    Makes no odds on the strength of signal or atmospherics on the Panny tuners, as both are consistently clear as a bell & rock solid with no pixellation on all Muxes.

    For some reason, some Humax Freeview receivers seem to be prone to the issue out of the box, but the reason I mentioned the attenuator is because of the the first Amazon review..

    "We have had issues with our Humax Youview box where by the tv signal would hit 100% and knock out the channel. On a recommendation from a friend I ordered this. Pluged this into the box and then attached the coax cable from the roof and dialled down the strength to about 70%. So far so good and no issues with channels suddenly going off and the signal quality still remains 100%."

    Like I say, I've no affiliation or specific loyalty to Humax, but if posting the info helps someone save hours of their time trying to hunt for a solution it might be worth a shot...

    Alternatively, if Humax have to use these specific tuners, I'm unsure how doable it is but perhaps Humax could add a variable attenuator setting to the box itself for manual tweaking?

    Just a suggestion, though it might be a daft one...

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 15:32:37 #12 |
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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 
    Breaking news which I'll repeat in the Beta thread (top of Forum)
    Public release of software planned for Week 16 which I think is Week commencing 19 April 2021.

    Thanks Barry!

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 15:49:14 #13 |
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    I too like the OP was unhappy with the number of serious issues that I found with the Aura (+30) in the first 2 hours of use and so I sent it straight back; not because I did not like the product but because I did not believe Humax would address those in earnest given experience with other manufactures.

    However, I followed the forum with interest and was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of customer engagement that Humax were making and the effort they were putting into to not only fix any issues but also to develop the product.

    This is exactly how we develop the software product that I work on; we fix customer issues as a priority and listen to customers on what they really want. No new feature is added unless it comes directly from customer requirements. It has made that software one of the most popular and respected with customers in the company. As Disney said "All you have to do it make people happy to be successful"

    So I recently bought the Aura again and although not perfect, it is a lot better and I can see that it is on a path of improvement.

    Well done Humax and keep up the good work.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 9:05:46 #14 |
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    Barry - 1 day ago  » 
    Breaking news which I'll repeat in the Beta thread (top of Forum)
    Public release of software planned for Week 16 which I think is Week commencing 19 April 2021.

    That is great news as I am also having the same issues and still within my 30 day return window so hopefully this will fix the pixelation issues and freezing.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 16:59:32 #15 |
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    A5ian300zx - 4 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 1 day ago  » 
    Breaking news which I'll repeat in the Beta thread (top of Forum)
    Public release of software planned for Week 16 which I think is Week commencing 19 April 2021.

    That is great news as I am also having the same issues and still within my 30 day return window so hopefully this will fix the pixelation issues and freezing.

    Why does this issue only appear to affect some owners? It’s not something I have seen myself except when the signal on COM7 drops to low due to weather conditions.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 21:22:55 #16 |
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    Thanks to Barry, I now have the Beta program and the major freezing/pixilation issue seems to be resolved

    | Sun 4 Apr 2021 18:28:53 #17 |

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