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Digital content protection

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    Occasionally when turning on I get this message, soundis working but picture is frozen. Only fix is to reboot.


    1. 20210808_193632_(3)-min.jpg (1011.7 KB, 0 downloads) 2 years old
    | Thu 12 Aug 2021 9:10:28 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    peterukwp - 3 hours ago  » 
    Occasionally when turning on I get this message, soundis working but picture is frozen. Only fix is to reboot.

    Please tell us what make and model of TV (or monitor) is connected to the Aura?

    | Thu 12 Aug 2021 12:59:21 #2 |
  3. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    peterukwp - 4 hours ago  » 
    Occasionally when turning on I get this message, soundis working but picture is frozen. Only fix is to reboot.

    I am getting that copy protection message more frequently on My LG 4K led TV. I think more frequently if I don't turn TV on first then Aura

    | Thu 12 Aug 2021 14:05:03 #3 |
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    You may be right Paul as I normally turn the Aura on first which then turns on the LG OLED 4K TV and soundbar, I will turn on tv first to see if that makes a difference.

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 8:34:02 #4 |
  5. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    peterukwp - 2 hours ago  » 
    You may be right Paul as I normally turn the Aura on first which then turns on the LG OLED 4K TV and soundbar, I will turn on tv first to see if that makes a difference.

    It's a pain though as I might keep the Aura running but turn off TV, to save screen, then turn on again. My TV was only 2019 so shouldn't have different versions of HDCP should it?

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 10:48:27 #5 |
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    I have a vague recollection of a similar message using my 5000T with my fairly old Panasonic TV after several years of use. I cured it by unplugging the HDMI cable from the TV and pushing it back in again.

    Might be worth a try.

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 10:57:16 #6 |
  7. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    I have been getting a black screen and I think it might be to do with digital rights copyright protection as I keep getting HDCP warning message. This is getting ridiculous! Had to switch Hdmi’s again!

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 14:54:01 #7 |

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