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Display light visibility

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    Has anyone found a way of making the display light (ridiculously placed underneath the Humax HDR 1100S box) more visible . My box is on a shelf under the TV but I cannot se the lights across the room and have to stand over it to see them. Ive tried tilting the box upwards and placing a small mirror under the front edge to reflect the light but without luck.

    | Sun 27 May 2018 21:07:48 #1 |
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    I had the same problem with the 5000T. Rather than a mirror, I tried a piece of white card, which proved fairly successful.

    | Mon 28 May 2018 7:01:39 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    I use a small piece of aluminium foil formed into a inverted channel. Placed in the right place it reflects the light horizontally forward.

    | Mon 28 May 2018 8:32:19 #3 |
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    A1944 - 1 day ago  » 
    I had the same problem with the 5000T. Rather than a mirror, I tried a piece of white card, which proved fairly successful.

    grahamlthompson - 23 hours ago  » 
    I use a small piece of aluminium foil formed into a inverted channel. Placed in the right place it reflects the light horizontally forward.

    Humax 5000T. Leading edge design? LOL!

    | Tue 29 May 2018 8:19:58 #4 |
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    Thanks guys. The white card seems to do the trick. Obviously, the designer didn't try placing the box on a black shelf!

    | Tue 29 May 2018 15:17:12 #5 |
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    That is good. Like you, I have tilted the box a little to lift the LED a bit away from the card.

    | Tue 29 May 2018 15:22:11 #6 |

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