Hi hgchgc, Yes the highest I would say is around 90 per cent but sometimes on different modals and makes the signal strength meter can vary slightly.
Example my 2000T says which is the HIGHEST multiplex from the same aerial point in the room that is COM 7 is 87 per cent, but my 4000T says it is 92 per cent, and yet my TV says that com 7 is 84 per cent. I don't get a lot of picture break up on com 7, but if I do its mostly to weather or interference outside.
The lowest is when you start losing multiplexes and channels,
but looking at your strengths I would say yours is about right.
I would say you ether have outside interference causing it, or you may have a lose connection on your aerial somewhere.
It maybe worth just checking the cables and make sure your PVR is not near something that could cause interference.
I have found that PVR's have more sensitive tuners than TV's.
Hope this helps.
| Sat 10 Sep 2016 11:01:11
#6 |