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    I live in Essex and had to retune after changes to the Sudbury transmitter. I have a humax 9200T. I deleted all tv channels and used auto search to find the channels. I now have two of everything. Unfortunately it seems to have put the worst ones first. So for eg I have BBC 1 on channel 1 but it breaks up and the decent BBC 1 is on channel 800. How do I move the 800 one to slot 1? I've tried 3 times to do it using auto search and get the same result and gone back to factory settings with the same result.
    On a side note when I tape things lately it records over things I've previously taped so its a case of hunt the recording. There is 71% free disk space. Do I need to format the drive? Its about 5-6 years old if that helps. Thanks in advance for any advice!

    | Thu 28 Jun 2012 17:55:55 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    lbaker - 4 minutes ago  » 
    I now have two of everything. Unfortunately it seems to have put the worst ones first.

    You need to do a manual tune. See post 3 of the following thread Link to Manual tune instructions

    On a side note when I tape things lately it records over things I've previously taped so its a case of hunt the recording. There is 71% free disk space. Do I need to format the drive?

    Yes formatting the drive is exactly what you need to do. This will of course delete all the recordings. Be aware that if you do nothing then all the recordings will vanish before too long.

    | Thu 28 Jun 2012 18:03:38 #2 |
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    Thanks Martin the manual tuning did the trick! Now I just have to watch everything before I can format the drive!

    | Sat 30 Jun 2012 13:41:35 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    lbaker - 7 hours ago  » 
    Now I just have to watch everything before I can format the drive!

    Best advice would be to leave the box on permanently until you have time to watch the recordings and format. The loss of all recordings problems seems to happen most often when going into or coming out of standby.

    | Sat 30 Jun 2012 21:40:36 #4 |

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