My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Failure to turn on when timer recording

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    I've had a new FVP-4000T for 10 days or so after many years with a 9200T. We are having the following problem which is repeatable (at least on our FVP):

    [1] Set a program to record that is due to start at least 45 mins later.

    [2] Put FVP into standby (standby button on remote)- led goes from blue to faint red (ie shows going from on to standby).

    [3] Let program start recording - led goes from faint red to bright red (ie shows FVP is recording).

    [4] During the course of the recording, with the TV input already set to the correct HDMI input, try to turn the FVP on for live viewing (standby button on remote). The bright red led blinks off once as the button is pressed and then stays bright red. However, no sound or picture is sent to TV. No other buttons on the remote or FVP itself rectify the issue.

    I have tried with and without HMDI CEC active on the TV. This makes no difference to the problem. I have spoken to Humax support who suggested that it might be the 0.5W Power Management option (on by default and apparently a problem on some other Humax models). I have tried turning this option off but again this makes no difference.

    What does however seem to be important is the time the FVP is in standby before the program is starts recording. If the 4 steps above are repeated but with a program starting say 5 mins later (rather than the 45 mins referred to above), there is no problem and the FVP can be turned on for live viewing while the recording is in progress. So it appears to be some full standby mode that comes into effect sometime between 5 and 45 mins that is causing the problem. The 45 mins is not crucial and is just the time I have tried when talking to Humax - so the mode must kick in sometime between 5 and 45 mins. (The initially problem became apparent to us with programs set to record a day or so before.)

    I have also check that all three tuners work on our FVP by setting 3 simultaneous recordings on 3 different Muxes - and they do!

    The problem in the steps 1 to 4 above is repeatable on our FVP with one recording or more than one simultaneous recording.

    Humax support have logged the issue but have no current solution. They have also confirmed there is no software update currently near release.

    As matters stand, our FVP is not acceptable (eg if say a film has been set to record early evening, the FVP can't be used for live viewing or for viewing a previously recorded program until the film finishes). With no software update to remedy the problem on the horizon, I need to reject the FVP and send it back to supplier. However, it does occur to me that we may just have a hardware fault on our FVP (though this was not suggested by Humax support), where a exchange for another new one would deal with it.

    Is anyone else having this issue?

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 13:53:35 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Are you sure the box is not booting, but rather failing to make the HDCP handshake with the connected TV ? Can you connect using the analogue outputs to a scart on the TV, and check you do not have video and audio by that route ?

    If that is the case it's a known issue with other boxes but only with some TV's.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 13:57:02 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Graham beat me to it with details of handshake issue which is what this appears to be....

    However make/mode of TV?

    Have you tried another HDMI port on the TV?

    and to explain your 5/45 minute scenarios:

    With only 5 minutes to timer the FVP will not shut down to full standby, it will sit in an active state ready for recording.

    With 45 minutes to timer, the unit will shut down to a full stsndby state and boot into active at approx t-15 minutess.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 13:59:23 #3 |
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    Will try that. Will need 45 mins or so for a later recording.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 13:59:45 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Alex4000 - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Will try that. Will need 45 mins or so for a later recording.

    In the absence of a front display it's hard to know if the box has actually booted. On a box with a display the current channel shows on the front when booted.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 14:04:05 #5 |
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    TV is a Sony KDL 32EX503. The TV itself has no problem with a Chromecast stick or NowTV box in other HDMI ports. Will try the FVP on another HDMI port on the TV albeit the problem does not arise is the FVP has only been in standby a short while. Will also try on other TV - but need at least 45 mins each time I test to get repeatable problem. Currently looking for my scart/AV plugs (in a box somewhere!) to try Graham's suggestion.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 14:09:03 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    That is strange I as currently have a unit connected to a Sony KDL 32W705 and have not witnessed issues with boot - to date, connected to HDMI 1.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 14:16:18 #7 |
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    I keep HDMI 1 for the sony DVD/sound system as it has audio return on it.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 14:28:04 #8 |
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    I am having exactly the same issues.
    I am currently on my third 1TB recorder. Humax said the second one was faulty, so replaced again. The problem is still the same, all 3 recorders would not come out of standby whilst recording. On Monday emailed Humax support for their comments. No reply so far!

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 17:13:47 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    protos55 - 12 minutes ago  » 
    I am having exactly the same issues.
    I am currently on my third 1TB recorder. Humax said the second one was faulty, so replaced again. The problem is still the same, all 3 recorders would not come out of standby whilst recording. On Monday emailed Humax support for their comments. No reply so far!

    Same question, in the absence of a front panel display and the hard to tell red ring, that the box has not actually booted, and that you simply cannot see it's output ?

    Not saying there isn't an issue, but the difference is significant in finding a solution.

    One would be a compatibility issue (which seems likely as the box works for others), or a more fundamental issue.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2015 17:29:16 #10 |

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