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Fast Forward Skip

(8 posts)
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    On my earlier Humax boxes it was possible to programme the skip button to a set length.
    4 minutes was useful for skipping adverts on recorded programs. Any way to do this with the Aura?

    | Mon 30 Nov 2020 18:47:49 #1 |
  2. brian


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    Press FreeviewPlay button, then Settings (gear cog near top right) > Record & Share > Skip Forward Time

    Choices are 7 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec, 120 sec, 240 sec.

    You can also set Instant Replay Time to one of the above values.

    | Mon 30 Nov 2020 18:52:26 #2 |
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    Thanks ver much - I'll give it a try.

    | Mon 30 Nov 2020 19:40:46 #3 |
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    How does the instant replay bit work? Which button do I need to press to use it? I did ctrl-F through the manual for "instant" but could only find how to set it, not how to use it!

    The skip forward function is something I've sorely missed on my last few boxes since my beloved Thomson DHD4000 went unsupported many years ago. I'm loving having it back!!

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 10:49:32 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    larkim - 6 mins ago  » 
    How does the instant replay bit work? Which button do I need to press to use it? I did ctrl-F through the manual for "instant" but could only find how to set it, not how to use it!
    The skip forward function is something I've sorely missed on my last few boxes since my beloved Thomson DHD4000 went unsupported many years ago. I'm loving having it back!!

    As per FAQ

    Left and right buttons.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 10:57:09 #5 |
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    I'd spotted the skip forward, just not the skip back (maybe I assumed it had to be uniform).

    Thanks for the pointer!

    Maybe I just didn't watch live TV long enough to have a 120s buffer when I tried it; I presume it works on live then?

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 15:12:43 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    larkim - 3 hours ago  » 
    I'd spotted the skip forward, just not the skip back (maybe I assumed it had to be uniform).
    Thanks for the pointer!
    Maybe I just didn't watch live TV long enough to have a 120s buffer when I tried it; I presume it works on live then?

    The idea is mainly for watching recordings as they are being made.

    If you start watching a recording say 15 mins after it started and select the recording from the recordings list. You are now watching the recording as it happens in chasing playback.

    The default of + 2mins and - 7 seconds is ideal. Most ads are 2 or 4 mins long.

    When you come up the the ads press forward once. IF still in the ads press a second time. If overshot press back a couple of times.

    It's pretty useless for live TV unless you pause it long enough to get enough buffer to skip forward.

    Of course it's equally handy for watching a ITV recording that has already finished .

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 18:37:38 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    I should have explained no matter how long you wait watching live TV you cannot skip forward because the point you are trying to skip forward has not yet been transmitted. If you pause live TV to build up a future buffer it will work depending on how long you pause.

    Skipping back to the start of the programme will work. However if you press the instant record button will create a recording from the beginning to the current time. If you play this back it will start playback at the start of the programme. Of course you can now skip forward.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 19:50:27 #8 |

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