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Faulty unit?

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    Thanks for accepting me.
    I bought an aura 2tb unit from Argos as wish to get rid of Virgin Media due to price. Am unable to get decent picture etc even though my Fringe detector is showing almost full strength. When I go into settings to test signal strength/quality it is virtually non existant and only one tuner is running. Does this sound right?

    | Mon 22 Jan 2024 11:22:50 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Woodlands - 7 mins ago  » 
    When I go into settings to test signal strength/quality it is virtually non existant and only one tuner is running. Does this sound right?

    Tuners are only live when in use. If you start a recording on BBC1 and then switch the live channel to ITV you should then see two tuners in use. First thing to check is that all aerial cable connections are in good condition. Is the signal strength low on all channels? Try BBC1 SD, ITV1 SD, BBC1 HD, QVC SD (16), Sky Mix (11), Quset (12); (that should cover all the multiplex ).

    | Mon 22 Jan 2024 11:42:27 #2 |
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    Unable to get BBC HD, picture quality crap on most of others. My Fringe tester is showing virtually full signal strength. Should I ignore it? How do I position aerial to get best reception? This has been going on since I bought the unit. The signal and quality strength is very low on the test screen. But multiple tuners are working

    | Mon 22 Jan 2024 12:12:37 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Woodlands - 3 hours ago  » 
    Unable to get BBC HD, picture quality crap on most of others. My Fringe tester is showing virtually full signal strength. Should I ignore it? How do I position aerial to get best reception? This has been going on since I bought the unit. The signal and quality strength is very low on the test screen.

    Which transmitter do you receive from and how far away is it? If you don't know go to If you click the "Detailed transmitter view" this will give you the likely transmitter to use, distance and direction. What type of aerial do you have? I assume a Fringe tester is a signal meter of some sort? If it is showing a very high signal level have you considered the possibility that the signal is too high and is saturating the tuners? If that is the case then an attenuator in the aerial cabling would be the solution.

    | Mon 22 Jan 2024 15:47:32 #4 |
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    Aerial is in the roof. Is there an app available to locate directions for transmitters? The signal checker is telling me the transmitter for my postcode is Sudbury in Suffolk but that would give me BBC East rather than South East as I live in Kent

    | Mon 22 Jan 2024 18:01:44 #5 |
  6. prking


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    Fringe manufacture direction finders for caravan and motorhomes. It tells you when the aerial is pointed to a signal. Because of the signal reflections you get in a loft it's unlikely to be very helpful.

    It's not particularly clear but I think you are saying that the box is showing poor signal strength and quality? This makes it unlikely to be too strong a signal as you'd then normally see full signal but poor quality.

    There are two possibilities:

    Either the the cable and connectors need adjusting/repairing/replacing

    Or the aerial is pointed in the wrong direction (loft mounted is tricky because of reflections you might need to point it indirectly at the yransmitter)

    The place to start is to visually inspect the cable and connectors. Ensure they are in good condition, the connectors are properly fitted, any wall plates are connected properly, nothing is worn etc.

    Once you are satisfied then is the time to check the aerial. First of all check that it's either wideband or the correct group for your region. Look outside at people who have aerials viable. This will give you an idea where to start. Then slowly adjust the aerial.

    It is possible you are in an area that needs an outside aerial. Also, you can only receive signals from transmitters that can reach you, so might not get the region you want.

    It's possible that an aerial installer might be able to bring in a distant signal, so something to consider.

    | Tue 23 Jan 2024 7:05:25 #6 |
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    Thanks for your help. I ignored the Fringe tester and with the help of the wife looking at the signal screen managed to get 92% signal strength and 100% quality. Only got 52 channels but all seems okay at the moment, Thanjs again much appreciated

    | Tue 23 Jan 2024 20:12:21 #7 |

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