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FVP-5000T glass window

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    Martin Liddle

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    I've just noticed a small rectangular glass window (25mm x 10mm) at the front right of the FVP5000T.
    Behind the glass are two circular like apertures, anyone know what they are?
    I guess one will be the remote sensor.

    The above question was posted over on DigitalSpy by user DSMan and besides the remote sensor I can't think what else is lurking in there that needs a clear view. Anybody any ideas?

    | Sun 3 Oct 2021 15:06:44 #1 |
  2. aciddad


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    The clear space is where the led was in early versions of the FVP4000, before Humax used the downward facing led. The FVP5000 uses the same case.


    | Sun 3 Oct 2021 16:38:31 #2 |
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    I am fairly certain that the clear panel does house the IR receiver because, on seeing this thread, I experimented with the remote held right up against the unit and it only reacted when it was over and very near that panel.

    | Sun 3 Oct 2021 18:16:06 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    aciddad - 1 hour ago  » 
    The clear space is where the led was in early versions of the FVP4000, before Humax used the downward facing led. The FVP5000 uses the same case.

    OK that makes sense.

    | Sun 3 Oct 2021 18:20:09 #4 |
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    aciddad - 20 hours ago  » 
    The clear space is where the led was in early versions of the FVP4000, before Humax used the downward facing led. The FVP5000 uses the same case.

    I wonder if that means that there's simply a blanking plate (or something) that could be removed so that the led light would be visible from the front again?

    | Mon 4 Oct 2021 13:34:30 #5 |
  6. aciddad


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    No, I'm afraid not.
    In later revisions the forward facing led was removed and a surface mount led was added on the bottom of the pcb. The pcb is different and doesn't have the connections for a front facing led.


    | Mon 4 Oct 2021 14:21:11 #6 |

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