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FVP4000T frozen locked blank unreponsive

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    Hi, hope someone can help, I have this box for about 3 1/2 years now and have had problems on and off since the beginning, but today on trying to turn the box on Im having no luck at all. Blue light is on, remote is ineffective as are the buttons on the top, HDMI cable plugged into HDMI1 on Tv, but TV says no signal and counts down to auto switch off. Cant get anything on the channel at all, cant even go into settings, so cant even reset to default its totally locked. Any ideas please?

    | Sat 1 Feb 2020 17:00:14 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    kay - 1 hour ago  » 
    Hi, hope someone can help, I have this box for about 3 1/2 years now and have had problems on and off since the beginning, but today on trying to turn the box on Im having no luck at all. Blue light is on, remote is ineffective as are the buttons on the top, HDMI cable plugged into HDMI1 on Tv, but TV says no signal and counts down to auto switch off. Cant get anything on the channel at all, cant even go into settings, so cant even reset to default its totally locked. Any ideas please?

    Open the case, disconnect the hard drive power and data connectors. If the box boots as a non recording box likely needs a new hard drive.

    | Sat 1 Feb 2020 18:18:28 #2 |
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    Have you tried turning the power right off at the wall and then switching it back on after a few minutes? It sometimes works miracles.

    | Sat 1 Feb 2020 18:45:48 #3 |
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    not sure im up to taking the case off but maybe I could get a friend to have a look. yeh I have totally unplugged it from the wall several times now, thanks for your replies

    | Sat 1 Feb 2020 21:06:37 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    kay - 12 mins ago  » 
    not sure im up to taking the case off but maybe I could get a friend to have a look. yeh I have totally unplugged it from the wall several times now, thanks for your replies

    It's not obvious but the only tool required is a screwdriver. There is lots of info on here that can be found using a google search.

    How to open the case of a FVP-4000T

    | Sat 1 Feb 2020 21:20:10 #5 |
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    ok thank you i will try it

    | Sat 1 Feb 2020 21:56:33 #6 |
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    Are the buttons really ineffective or is it that you can't see any effect because there is nothing on screen?
    Does pressing the power on button on the remote or the box cause the blue light to become red (or vice versa)? If so it might be your HDMI connection is faulty.

    | Sun 2 Feb 2020 18:44:02 #7 |

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