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FVP4000T Random Reboot

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    So glad I found this thread. I was just about to buy a 4000T but now I think I'll wait a couple of weeks in the hope that there is a positive response following the next Software update. Thanks

    | Thu 10 Nov 2016 19:49:15 #71 |
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    Humax reassured me today via email that the software update due week commencing 21/11 will cure the rebooting problem. I wait with bated breath...

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 18:10:26 #72 |
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    bampsam - 4 hours ago  » 
    Humax reassured me today via email that the software update due week commencing 21/11 will cure the rebooting problem. I wait with bated breath...

    Funnily enough, that's pretty much what they told me about the last update - it would cure all the problems. They forgot to mention that it would create a few more even worse ones........

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 22:46:20 #73 |
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    Barry have you any idea why only certain owners suffer the rebooting problem. Mine will go a week without one and then two within the space of a day. Just watching Lord Mayor's show and the box decides to reboot. It's so frustrating and I just hope the next software update cures this problem and the box returns to the reliability I enjoyed when I purchased the unit.

    | Sat 12 Nov 2016 11:19:02 #74 |
  5. Barry


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    No idea, could be network related ie connection to servers or something in the transmission.

    Are you using the latest beta?

    | Sat 12 Nov 2016 12:05:23 #75 |
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    Okay this has been happening for my box a few times since installed in sep.
    At first it all seemed ok nothing unusual but I decided to retry the server options. After I turned them on in various guises I found that I was only able to get access on one samsung tv until it went in to standby so I gave up.

    Then after a few days the box started all of a sudden performing a reboot in mid program - not a recording so we turned it off and back on - wheres the damned switch - and it was ok for a couple of days it then rebooted during a recording and we were playing another back. So I thought ah I forgot to turn the servers off and the box felt quite hot so I turned them of again thinking it was trying to do too much.

    All was ok for a week or say then bu**er me if it didn't do it again last night as well. I checked but the servers were not on this time so its not them. I thought today I must see if there are issues and here we are.

    I have had a humax for a few years now until the 9200t gave up the ghost (disk corruption). since these issues with the humax for last 12 months or so we have taken to more and more watching on demand etc and even more on netflix. Please fix the damned humax so I can stop having to watch adds again

    | Sat 12 Nov 2016 16:39:07 #76 |
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    Barry - 7 hours ago  » 
    No idea, could be network related ie connection to servers or something in the transmission.
    Are you using the latest beta?

    Decided not to use the latest beta,as having numerous reboots did not want to risk more. Had yet another reboot this afternoon. Software update cannot come soon enough.

    | Sat 12 Nov 2016 19:21:28 #77 |
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    I haven't read all 8 pages of this thread so my apologies if this has been said already. My fvp4000t is about a year old, in that time it rebooted itself a few times, until recently. It now reboots with increasing frequency it now reboots randomly every few days. Today, I was watching a recirding and noticed a flicker about 5 minutes before it crashed. I do not run it as a network server.

    The box has plenty of space on all sides and it is quite warm to the touch but nothing excessive.

    Looks like it could be a power supply problem. I had the same issue with my old Toppy which was sorted by rebuilding the PSU with uprated components (and adding a fan).

    I know these aee fairly new but was wondering if there is a similar fix for this?

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 12:57:15 #78 |
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    Hi gnf,

    Yes there is a problem with the 4000T that keeps rebooting, Humax is a were of the problem, and Humax is releasing a update this month which will hopefully fix the problem.

    Here is a copy of the email I got from Humax

    Freeview Play Improvements 

    We are constantly striving to improve our products, in order to ensure that you have the most reliable and up-to-date set top box that puts you in control of your TV viewing experience. We cannot do this easily without your help and feedback, regarding the performance of our products.
    So, when some customers experienced annoying bugs on our FVP-4000T (Freeview Play) boxes, we got to work straightway in order to find solutions and forever eradicate these annoying issues.
    The good news is that those dastardly bugs are being exterminated, and the most up-to-date software will be available week commencing 21st November 2016.
    We would like to thank you for your patience and remind you that we are always keen to hear your experiences of our products, because without you we wouldn’t be here.
    We will send you another email closer to the time reminding you to update your device, but until then, if you need any assistance on our products or you simply just want advice, you can contact us via; email

    Hope this helps

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 13:17:28 #79 |
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    quote: "forever eradicate these annoying issues". Don't hold your breath would be my advice based on my experience with them so far.

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 13:24:22 #80 |

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