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FVP4000T Random Reboot

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    Yesterday my receiver rebooted for the 3rd time in 2 days. This time the WiFi module wasn't working after the reboot. I have to switch the power off/on to get it to work again. This looks more like a hardware fault.

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 14:14:39 #81 |
  2. Barry


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    As per my post #34

    Anyone who wants to try the latest Beta PM me for access details.

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 15:02:52 #82 |
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    Phil1 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Yesterday my receiver rebooted for the 3rd time in 2 days. This time the WiFi module wasn't working after the reboot. I have to switch the power off/on to get it to work again. This looks more like a hardware fault.

    Can someone confirm whether or not the reboot problem has been an issue since the unit was released or whether it has only been seen since one of the software updates a while back.

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 15:34:55 #83 |
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    BlackGhost - 10 minutes ago  » 

    Phil1 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Yesterday my receiver rebooted for the 3rd time in 2 days. This time the WiFi module wasn't working after the reboot. I have to switch the power off/on to get it to work again. This looks more like a hardware fault.

    Can someone confirm whether or not the reboot problem has been an issue since the unit was released or whether it has only been seen since one of the software updates a while back.

    I purchased my unit the week of release,and having had numerous Humax boxes before I found the FVP to be one of the most reliable. It's only been the last two software updates that have completely messed it up. If only Humax could have reverted to the original software until they sorted the reboot problem,there would be a lot less disappointed owners.

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 15:49:55 #84 |
  5. Davygogs


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    Had mine since last December & no issues what so ever apart from a few random reboots following the last software update.

    | Wed 16 Nov 2016 16:07:10 #85 |
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    I am new here, I have one of these FVP 4000T boxes. I to have the random reboot problem, I am pleased that Humax are going to release a
    "Fix". I bought my box in September and I also bought a thee year extended warranty as a safeguard for future problems.


    | Thu 17 Nov 2016 11:01:12 #86 |
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    Does anyone know if the bug that prevents being able to power on the box (needing a reboot) is the same bug causing the random reboots. I haven't had the issue before of not being able to turn on the box - looking at the recordings it stopped midway through a program an hour previously so I don't know if it was stuck recording or powered itself down and couldn't be restarted.

    The unit frequently losing sound and always turning on subs when switching inputs is one thing but losing recordings through reboots and not even being able to turn the thing on without a power cycle is totally unacceptable, even more so as it was introduced by a software update which should have been undone immediately the problem was first seen. It all makes Humax as a company look like a bunch of clowns.

    | Sat 19 Nov 2016 20:21:01 #87 |
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    Phil1 - 3 days ago  » 
    Yesterday my receiver rebooted for the 3rd time in 2 days. This time the WiFi module wasn't working after the reboot. I have to switch the power off/on to get it to work again. This looks more like a hardware fault.

    Exactly the same symptoms as mine. Of course it is a hardware fault. Humax are just stringing along anyone foolish enough to believe that new firmware will cure this.

    Check out the site, they sell capacitor kits to upgrade Humax (and other manufacturers') power supplies with better spec components. I might take mine apart and see if one of their existing kits has the right components, then get my soldering iron out.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 1:58:30 #88 |
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    Exactly the same symptoms as mine. Of course it is a hardware fault. Humax are just stringing along anyone foolish enough to believe that new firmware will cure this.

    It's 99% software, there will be the very odd hardware fault though. Any hardware fault would persist following a reboot (putting it into standby and starting up again isn't a reboot).

    The current software mucks up, works again after a reboot. How many times have we seen windows crash or mobile phones where users are removing the battery or pressing reset buttons to reboot it.

    The power supply is external and easily provides enough power to run the box and an external portable hard drive.

    I'd hazard a guess that problems occur more often where WiFi is used, where powerline adapters are used, where automatic power down is active, where tv power control hdmi-cec is set to on, where apps are used to control the fvp4000t, where two or more TV transmitters are available and where people switch off their router when going to bed.

    The above will just complicate things, it is though the software that needs improvement and if history is anything to go by that will mean a few revisions.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 4:03:49 #89 |
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    I'd hazard a guess that problems occur more often where WiFi is used, where powerline adapters are used, where automatic power down is active, where tv power control hdmi-cec is set to on, where apps are used to control the fvp4000t, where two or more TV transmitters are available and where people switch off their router when going to bed.

    I have none of these and it's happening to my box.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 9:54:16 #90 |

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