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FVP4000T Random Reboot

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    Barry,have you any idea if the software update is still on track for release this week?

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 10:10:45 #91 |
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    Can I also ask - if there's no update coming this week or it doesn't fix the issues, is the software update previous to the one that screwed things up available anywhere to install after doing a factory reset?

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 11:02:43 #92 |
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    Hello guy's.

    Just wanted to say hello and add my weight to the random reboots discussion.
    although there are only a few people in here talking about this i suspect this is happening to most if not all of the FVP 4000T's out there. I wonder how many people have just given up and thrown them away or marched into the store demanding a refund.
    for my part i am prepared to wait it out for a while but please remember folks we do have consumer law on our side. even if the box is out of it's warranty period it still has to be fit for purpose and if it's randomly rebooting halfway through strictly (for example) then it's plainly not.

    p.s. sorry for the "all guns blazing" first post i'm not actually completely raving most of the time.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 11:11:11 #93 |
  4. Barry


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    bampsam - 1 hour ago  » 
    Barry,have you any idea if the software update is still on track for release this week?

    My contacts at Humax Towers have not actually specified a proposed date, to me anyway, which is not unusual.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 11:22:38 #94 |
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    OillyRag - 40 minutes ago  » 
    Hello guy's.
    Just wanted to say hello and add my weight to the random reboots discussion.
    although there are only a few people in here talking about this i suspect this is happening to most if not all of the FVP 4000T's out there. I wonder how many people have just given up and thrown them away or marched into the store demanding a refund.
    for my part i am prepared to wait it out for a while but please remember folks we do have consumer law on our side. even if the box is out of it's warranty period it still has to be fit for purpose and if it's randomly rebooting halfway through strictly (for example) then it's plainly not.
    p.s. sorry for the "all guns blazing" first post i'm not actually completely raving most of the time.

    You're right, of course, though the longer you've had the machine the more difficult it is to claim under the Consumer Rights Act (purchases on or after 1 October 2015) or the Sale of Goods Act.

    My personal position is that I'm still within the first 6 months after purchase during which time the onus is on the retailer to prove that the fault wasn't there at the time of purchase. I've notified the retailer and I'll be interested to see the response.

    It's a good machine - in theory - and I like what it does. I just don't like its user interface, its slowness, and of course the reboots. This machine should never have been released onto the market in its current state - I think we can all agree on that!

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 12:01:16 #95 |
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    doca - 22 minutes ago  » 
    You're right, of course, though the longer you've had the machine the more difficult it is to claim under the Consumer Rights Act (purchases on or after 1 October 2015) or the Sale of Goods Act.

    I believe the fault was introduced by a software update a few months ago so to be truthful I'm not sure where we stand legally, i just hope it gets fixed on this upcoming update.
    Like you i think this machine is potentially a really good box ... if only they could fix the software.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 12:30:17 #96 |
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    The box was a very reliable pvr when it was first released some thirteen months ago. Software updates have now turned it into a nightmare basically. Why cannot Humax release the original software?

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 12:38:26 #97 |
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    bampsam - 53 minutes ago  » 
    The box was a very reliable pvr when it was first released some thirteen months ago. Software updates have now turned it into a nightmare basically. Why cannot Humax release the original software?

    I purchased this pvr just over a year ago, 3 replacements later i gave up on it. All the boxes would not come out of standby whilst recording. It has never had faultless software and subsequent updates seem to introduce new problems. The Panasonic pvr that I replaced it with has been faultless since last December. I cannot understand why so many of you persevere with the FVP 4000t.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 13:39:20 #98 |
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    protos55 - 1 hour ago  » 

    bampsam - 53 minutes ago  » 
    The box was a very reliable pvr when it was first released some thirteen months ago. Software updates have now turned it into a nightmare basically. Why cannot Humax release the original software?

    I purchased this pvr just over a year ago, 3 replacements later i gave up on it. All the boxes would not come out of standby whilst recording. It has never had faultless software and subsequent updates seem to introduce new problems. The Panasonic pvr that I replaced it with has been faultless since last December. I cannot understand why so many of you persevere with the FVP 4000t.

    Probably because there is - so far as I know - no other machine with three tuners that will do what this one will do. If there were one, I'd switch to it tomorrow.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 14:51:19 #99 |
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    doca - 14 minutes ago  » 
    Probably because there is - so far as I know - no other machine with three tuners that will do what this one will do. If there were one, I'd switch to it tomorrow.

    yep, me too.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 15:05:52 #100 |

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