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FVP4000T Random Reboot

(135 posts)
  1. Barry


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    BlackGhost - 4 hours ago  » 
    Can I also ask - if there's no update coming this week or it doesn't fix the issues, is the software update previous to the one that screwed things up available anywhere to install after doing a factory reset?

    What makes you think it is a software release that caused the issue?

    Plenty of evidence that something changed in the broadcast/transmission chain that caused problems with other manufacturers units a month or two ago. I suspect reboots, which by the way I have not suffered from, could be a result of similar.

    As for Panasonic, I have one which I bought to compare freeview play devices and I don't use it.

    Remote is awful, to many small buttons and illogically laid out. The Guide is pitifully slow to populate, especially if you 'jump' days. UI is old and not well thought out, but each to their own.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 15:20:03 #101 |
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    Derek Seager

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    Hi All,
    Yes I too am an unfortunate owner of a FVP-4000t bought a year ago and have suffered all sorts of problems outlined by others including random reboots. Humax sent me an email on 18th November with a link to download their latest firmware update and instructions how to download it to a memory stick and install it, but advised that their update is still in trial and may not be the finished version

    They have warned that if I have any issues with the update that cause serious problems, I am to contact them for advise on how to revert to the previous version.

    With the last two firmware updates problematical, I an not going load something that is potentially also full of bugs just yet.

    | Sun 20 Nov 2016 20:50:13 #102 |
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    I had the following email today from support:

    'The phased roll-out starts today and is being sent to several thousand units per day sir. The first two issues you have described are being directly addressed by the update'

    The issues referred to are the reboots and not being able to power up whilst recording. I wouldn't put any money on them cracking all these issues any time soon but we'll see.

    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 11:06:35 #103 |
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    Hi everyone

    Just received the update on my Humax 4000T.
    The new software version is 1.01.49

    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 11:54:30 #104 |
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    bill63 - 19 minutes ago  » 
    Hi everyone
    Just received the update on my Humax 4000T.
    The new software version is 1.01.49

    Likewise - quickly and simply done. Fingers crossed that it doesn't create yet more unanticipated problems. Like catching fire, for example.

    One plus point - existing recordings (series and individual) all retained.

    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 12:16:00 #105 |
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    Hey all, just joined ...

    FYI - Updated the FVP-4000T software to 1.01.49 this morning and the box became unresponsive to the remote with only the volume and mute buttons working.
    Even the power off button did not working and I had to power cycle at the wall. After a morning of frustration I kept power cycling for at lease 4 or 5 times until eventually the remote responded. I then initiated a factory reset and all now seems well.
    Just a note if anyone else has the same issues.


    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 14:15:19 #106 |
  7. aciddad


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    I've been on 1.01.49 since 14 Nov, because of problems I reported. I had the same problem as DerekC immediately after the install.
    I've had other problems on 1.01.49 and the previous 1.01.47. Most annoying has been empty or incomplete recording schedule.
    Barry, do you know if this public release software is the same as the beta 1.01.49?
    After 8 weeks Humax have now said that my unit is probably faulty and I am getting a replacement on Thursday. Customer service have been very good.

    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 14:57:46 #107 |
  8. Barry


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    99% certain public release will be same as beta we have been testing.

    1.01.49 is a phased rollout which will continue for the rest of this week. Manual download via Humax Support website will be available soon.
    Edit 22/11 now available

    Release note:

    1. Sluggish UI behaviour during boot up for Network connection establishment
    2. Memory usage and leak improvement
    3. Intermittent error of Hotkey
    4. Recording not appearing/Reboot/Sluggish booting when external HDD is connected
    5. Server Activation Time fix
    6. WIFI, Wired LAN connection improvement
    7. No booting up
    8. Reboot
    •when Recording conflict
    •whilst rendering EPG
    9. Recording disappear
    10. FVP players not displayed when changing LAN -> WIFI
    11. Reboot/ freeze when Netflix hotkey is pressed during boot up (New remote only)
    12. Memory optimization on Webapp
    13. Dual url check for internet connection verification
    14. Reboot/Freeze when entering standby whilst running YouTube
    15. “My Contents” not showing when viewing content in FVP-4000T (DMS) from client (DMP)
    16. HDD format fail when reset All Setting & Format HDD
    17. No boot up whilst recording in standby

    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 15:14:38 #108 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Wow; if they have fixed all those problems then that should reduce the level of complaint significantly.

    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 16:31:05 #109 |
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    Mine's now on .49 as well. So far all is OK but the only problem I've had for the last couple of months has been the random reboot and that wasn't every day.

    Please, please let this be the solution to the reboots.

    Series playback is still latest first unfortunately.


    | Mon 21 Nov 2016 18:03:04 #110 |

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