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Glastonbury and Wimbledon BBC iplayer

(16 posts)
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    Joined: Mar '18
    Posts: 25


    I can confirm that the Freesat version of BBC iPlayer (via Humax Box) does allow you to access all live Wimbledon streams. It looks as though the Freeview version needs COM 8 for full functionality and therefore is not strictly online.

    | Wed 3 Jul 2019 15:03:46 #11 |
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    I can confirm that iPlayer away from the Humax box is working fine on the streams from the outer courts. I have just been checking using my laptop connected to the same router as the box.

    Has anyone here with a 5000T (or I guess 4000T) who can receive COM8 seen the outer court streams working?

    | Wed 3 Jul 2019 15:32:17 #12 |
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    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 39


    Can get the red button streams on my 5000T if I enter the channel number directly. Poor picture quality though. iPlayer access doesnt' work at all.

    | Wed 3 Jul 2019 16:35:13 #13 |
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    Joined: Aug '17
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    I found that turning off file share/FTP server and possibly SAMBA server, in settings, solved the inability to stream or access live iplayer red button content on Wimbledon etc. 4000T Obviously a DRM issue or the like? Had this issue for a while and found a post on a Humax 2000T! Tried it out

    | Wed 3 Jul 2019 16:39:32 #14 |
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    Those file share features on mine have never been on, so that doesn’t always work.

    | Wed 3 Jul 2019 16:58:56 #15 |
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    I'll enclose the post that i used inc the hidden settings that I also pressed. The poster said to turn on/off the file share settings. I reset my password in the hidden menu and accessed the other options in it. Some only show info and a wifi test, nevertheless, once I had done the above my Wimbledon full access to all streams came back that I never had other than red button 1 and 2. To exit the hidden menu press on a menu item- the highlight item will disappear, then just press X on your remote. I had previously done a factory reset, reset wifi, changed from straight RJ-45 from router to several new other cables, from 2G to 5G on wifi to personal hotspot on my mobile. Nothing worked until I followed and tried out this posters guide though not relevant to the 4000T it's the HDR 2000T it still presents the menu without the DRM cache flush, though pressing the hidden menu buttons must have done something, since my FVP 4000T works right after and I'm a happy bunny.

    | Wed 3 Jul 2019 17:54:01 #16 |

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