My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Green Screen?

(25 posts)
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    Joined: May '13
    Posts: 45


    Yes I've got connected via the web browser, I can access all the content on the hard drive. Cannot find any options that would download the web interface (or access the diagnostics menu).

    | Tue 6 May 2014 13:06:56 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 18 minutes ago  » 
    Yes I've got connected via the web browser, I can access all the content on the hard drive. Cannot find any options that would download the web interface (or access the diagnostics menu).

    Can you explain in detail what you mean when you say "I've got connected via the web browser"?

    | Tue 6 May 2014 13:26:19 #22 |
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    Joined: May '13
    Posts: 45


    ok here goes, checked the router to make sure it was connected to the Humax, then inputted the number into the web browser and it connected me onto the Humax menus, giving access to all the content. Guess I need to do something else?

    | Tue 6 May 2014 15:45:02 #23 |
  4. chrisdaniels


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    Posts: 130


    Gave you access to the humax menus? Do you understand what the webif is by any chance?
    I recommend you read the instructions over on where you got the firmware from.
    There is an entire wiki with instructions as well as a support forum.

    By asking these sorts of questions on a forum that does not directly deal with the custom firmware is only going to confuse matters.

    | Tue 6 May 2014 21:26:58 #24 |
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    Joined: May '13
    Posts: 45


    a) Not really.

    b)Thanks, I will try the other forum. Appologies.

    | Wed 7 May 2014 13:06:36 #25 |

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