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Green Screen

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    Martin Liddle

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    Ninja_Stoker - 2 hours ago  » 
    My guess is the green screen problem, as stated previously in this thread, is simply due to a hardware component degradation issue...hence the gradual deterioration and increasing frequency of the issue.

    I agree that component degradation is involved. The other parameter which you haven't considered is the TV; this problem is far more common with certain brands of TV. Is the degrading component in the Humax or the TV?

    | Mon 23 Dec 2019 10:23:10 #21 |
  2. Ninja_Stoker


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    Martin Liddle - 1 day ago  » 

    Ninja_Stoker - 2 hours ago  » 
    My guess is the green screen problem, as stated previously in this thread, is simply due to a hardware component degradation issue...hence the gradual deterioration and increasing frequency of the issue.

    I agree that component degradation is involved. The other parameter which you haven't considered is the TV; this problem is far more common with certain brands of TV. Is the degrading component in the Humax or the TV?

    In my case the Humax was the problem.

    Even though it worked OK initially on two different make TV's, the green screen snag re-appeared and got worse over time.

    My theory is that there are no moving parts in a TV & less heat generated because of it.

    For many, the Humax is never de-energised and left in standby mode for recording purposes. Possibly they need better cooling or more sturdy components.

    It's a common theme to assume it's the TV but a casual perusal on google reveals the common theme is Humax throughout.

    | Tue 24 Dec 2019 11:57:57 #22 |
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    I have 2 HDR-FOX-T2's in daily use both feeding the same Tv (Sharp). One has never shown the 'green screen' effect, the other does occasionally. I've never been able to nail the exact reason for this, also it only ever happens on start up. If I re boot the TV and PVR the 'green screen' disappears, and so I have concluded that it might be an HDMI handshake problem.

    | Tue 24 Dec 2019 13:46:25 #23 |
  4. Ninja_Stoker


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    fedman1 - 4 mins ago  » 
    I have 2 HDR-FOX-T2's in daily use both feeding the same Tv (Sharp). One has never shown the 'green screen' effect, the other does occasionally. I've never been able to nail the exact reason for this, also it only ever happens on start up. If I re boot the TV and PVR the 'green screen' disappears, and so I have concluded that it might be an HDMI handshake problem.

    Pretty sure you are correct.

    Assuming the HDMI handshake problem is eminating from the one Humax to the TV via the same switched HDMI lead, then clearly the signal is degraded (strong enough from one but not t'other)...unless the TV also displays green screen or 'no signal' when other periphals are fed in via a different HDMI port, such as DVD player, which case the TV, not the Humax is suspect.

    | Tue 24 Dec 2019 13:57:06 #24 |
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    I can eliminate the TV HDMI port and cable, when these are swapped the fault still occurs only on the one Humax. The serial number of the faulty machine shows it to be of earlier manufacture. Another possibility is timing of the 'handshake', for instance if booting has not reached a suitable point then I guess handshake will fail?

    | Tue 24 Dec 2019 15:45:55 #25 |
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    I have just upgraded my TV and am now suffering from the "Green Screen" problem. I have tried different HDMI cables, different port, V-Format, Audio type, HDMI splitter/switch. None of which makes any difference.
    The green screen happens on about two-thirds of the start-ups. The best "fix" found so far is to pull out the HDMI cable and then re-plug - so far it appears to be a 100% workaround.
    I have yet not tried a different boot loader. Can someone provide a download link to the alternative Bootloaders? I am using the latest custom firmware with a7.30 bootloader. I believe that this is quite an early one and would like to try a more recent version.

    Prior to having the new TV I got an occasional green-screen flash but it always went on to work OK. Even with the new TV the Humax logo always appears, a black screen for a second or two and then green screen - or occasionally the program picture.

    | Wed 8 Dec 2021 10:42:57 #26 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JefUK - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have yet not tried a different boot loader. Can someone provide a download link to the alternative Bootloaders? I am using the latest custom firmware with a7.30 bootloader. I believe that this is quite an early one and would like to try a more recent version.

    I am not convinced that changing the bootloader will make any difference (there were some early reports of success) but more recent attempts have not resolved the problem. I think I have a full set of the bootloaders. If you send me a PM I'll send you a link to download them.

    | Wed 8 Dec 2021 12:57:47 #27 |
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    My T2 failed to negociate with a 2019 Sony. I believe the Sony fails to recognise the old protocol and marks it as an invalid source. I switched temporarily to the single yellow cable + 2 audio links. I'm now on a Vero4k front end + Raspberry Pi3 TVHeadend backend with 3 tuner capability using Kodi. The BBC Iplayer add-on for Kodi is so much quicker than the Sony junk processor. Another Hummy gathers dust.

    | Wed 8 Dec 2021 15:29:36 #28 |
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    I've had my HDR FOX T2 for 10 years. It has been a good and faithful servant, but I can't find a solution to the "green screen" with a new Panasonic TV.

    Because of this I purchased an Aura, but this has other issues of severe intermittent pixelation on COM7. It may be time to abandon Humax and try a Manhattan.

    | Tue 14 Dec 2021 21:59:35 #29 |
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    Unfortunately my Humax recently succumbed to the green screen of death, though to be fair it has given good service over many years. I was reluctant to let it go so I checked out the older video links and I discovered my TV had a SCART socket (which I had not realised previously). I searched out an old SCART cable I had not been able to bring myself to throw away and was able to use it to get a working link between my TV and the Humax. I checked the TV options for SCART input and set it to the higher quality RGB rather than the default CVSB. The resulting picture approximates to SD quality and is adequate for my needs. (The SCART signals are analogue so a quality cable should pay dividends. If your TV is without a SCART socket perhaps you can rig up a lower quality composite video link. Also, there are SCART to HDMI adapters available for around 15GBP so you might consider one of these a worthwhile investment. I have not tried this route so cannot recommend it but an adapter that supports RGB signals should be used for best results. I hope this helps.

    | Sun 9 Jan 2022 20:41:18 #30 |

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