My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Guidance or Advice Please.

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    Martin Liddle

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    Hulme - 17 hours ago  » 
    On Sunday the 16th December 2018 we were set to record the series of the apprentice on both the FVR 5000T and our upstairs Humax DTR T1010, however the previous program "Sports Personality of The Year" ran over, probably due to Brexit. When we played the recording we got 1/2hr of Sports Personality and 1/2hr of the Apprentice on the FVR 5000T, whereas our upstairs recorder the Humax DTR-T1010 500gb model actually reset the programming so we were able to watch the full hour of the Apprentice.

    We saw similar behaviour on our FVP-5000T. It is hard to say whether this is a failing of the FVP-5000T or whether the Freeview data wasn't updated quickly enough. Interesting that the Youview data (as used by the DTR-T1010) was correct.

    On the 6th December 2018 we had set to record the series of Oxford Street on Channel 5. This would have been 2 of 4. The FVR 5000T recorded this with the title Oxford Street but when played the recording was about a Ship!!.

    Anybody else have this happen?

    Thanks for the responses, I will just have to check the instructions to determine what the padding feature is.

    Leave it on the Auto setting.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 9:51:00 #11 |
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    Just for completeness, my wife now tells me that our FVP-5000 actually recorded again the episode of tHe Apprentice that it initially failed to adjust the program times on , but a day or two later on The Welsh channel.
    So its obviously quite bright but the DTR-T1010 had the better approach which would avoid planned programming problems when catering for an unplanned repeat from the Welsh Channel!
    Will be interesting to find out the true cause of the two issues and if the 5000T should be able to deal with these!

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 13:03:44 #12 |
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    I too (and others) had the same issues with The Apprentice recording after SPOTY overran on my 5000t (there is a topic about on it on here).

    | Mon 24 Dec 2018 10:58:03 #13 |
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    I have the 4000T and have been having this problem for quite a while in fact it has happened on many occasions in the 3 years I have had it
    The most recent ones being BBC 4 Saturday evenings programme Sinner two back to back 40 minute programmes slight delay to broadcast time resulted in the last couple minutes being missed
    Recently Eggheads on BBC 2 in the afternoon delayed by about 15 to 20 minute start due to overrun of sport programme (started at due time) finished recording before the end of eggheads (missed the final round of questions)
    If i had diligently kept a log of all such discrepancies it would run to several pages
    I have always left padding to AUTO
    Unfortunately like my old Toppy like me has been showing signs of it's age but it did at least record programmes and find the programmes scheduled

    | Thu 27 Dec 2018 12:20:56 #14 |
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    For absolute clarity, everyone has been most helpful, but at the end of the day there does not appear to be an answer to my questions. Padding was probably the obvious one, but it is set on Auto. Does this mean there is then something wrong with my 5000 or is the machine not really up to dealing with these problems.
    If theres something wrong with the machine it is under warranty and I will then have it addressed.
    But again thanks to everyone who responded, I am extremely grateful.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2018 16:10:12 #15 |
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    For absolute clarity, everyone has been most helpful, but at the end of the day there does not appear to be an answer to my questions. Padding was probably the obvious one, but it is set on Auto. Does this mean there is then something wrong with my 5000 or is the machine not really up to dealing with these problems.
    If theres something wrong with the machine it is under warranty and I will then have it addressed.
    But again thanks to everyone who responded, I am extremely grateful.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2018 16:11:10 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hulme - 2 hours ago  » 
    Does this mean there is then something wrong with my 5000 or is the machine not really up to dealing with these problems.

    Your box behaved in a very similar manner to several other peoples so having the box replaced will not help and as the chances are it would be replaced with a refurbished box it might make things worse. It is hard to know whether the FVP-5000T should have behaved better in a rather unusual circumstance (because we can't go back and see when the meta data from the broadcaster changed) but for us the general recording performance is acceptable.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2018 18:49:01 #17 |
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    Christina2018 - 1 week ago  » 
    I too (and others) had the same issues with The Apprentice recording after SPOTY overran on my 5000t (there is a topic about on it on here).

    Sorry just realised my mistake, it was the Wednesday evening The Apprentice we had a topic about not the Sunday evening final.

    | Wed 2 Jan 2019 11:21:54 #18 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I now have some better evidence.

    Last night the 10pm News on BBC 1 was rescheduled as the preceding FA Cup football match went first to extra time and then to a penalty shoot out and the EPG showed that the program start and end time were updated several times. The program actually started at about 22:36 and finished at about 23:10. An HDR-FOX T2 successfully recorded the News.

    On the FVP-5000T the News started recording at 22:15 even though the guide at that point was showing News starting at 22:30 (the guide was subsequently updated to 22:35 start) and playing the recording, the News actually started at about 22:36. The News stopped recording at 23:00 although the actual stop time was 23:10 and the guide was showing 23:10 as the stop time.

    I do think this demonstrates that the HDR-FOX T2 does a better job than the FVP-5000T in these situations where start and end times are being updated. I will report this to Humax support but am not optimistic about getting a sensible reply.

    | Thu 17 Jan 2019 11:39:15 #19 |
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    Martin Liddle - 4 days ago  » 
    I do think this demonstrates that the HDR-FOX T2 does a better job than the FVP-5000T in these situations where start and end times are being updated. I will report this to Humax support but am not optimistic about getting a sensible reply.

    Yes definitely let Humax know, seeing as two Humax products (I am correct in thinking the Fox is Humax too, isn't it?) have dealt with the same incident differently. It's good you have so many facts about times as you'll be able to give them a detailed account of what happened.

    | Tue 22 Jan 2019 10:56:57 #20 |

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