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Has anyone figured the command for viewing live TV using VLC?

(5 posts)
  1. Mkstevo


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 10


    I'm trying to figure out the correct request for viewing live TV (from the Humax Aura) within VLC.

    I've managed to open a live stream using: This opens a live TV view in VLC, but always of BBC1. If I load the 'home' page of the Aura ( in a browser and navigate the rudimentary menu, I can see that selecting a channel and the option for live view for that channel (in this case channel 10 - ITV3) directs the web browser to: where it indeed opens ITV3 in the web browser. Unfortunately that URL won't work in VLC. I guess that VLC may require the 'm3u8' protocol to be specified somewhere, but I'm not certain. I've tried fiddling with the "" address, adding the "?live=10" qualifier but nothing seems to work. I'm sure it is simple if I only knew how.

    | Sat 8 Oct 2022 12:15:35 #1 |
  2. Mkstevo


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 10


    I seem to have been making this much harder than it needed to be!

    Rather than attempting to directly enter the URL as I was, if you open VLC, select 'View', 'Playlist'.

    That should open a list of the available channels. Double clicking the required one then opens a live stream of that channel.

    | Sat 8 Oct 2022 13:15:03 #2 |
  3. Mkstevo


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 10


    Finally, to finish this thread should anyone else have a similar problem:

    The URL required is:

    Where the '/10/' selects the required channel (ITV3).

    Depending on the status and configuration of the network, opening the playlist may not always show a populated list of the channels served by the Humax. Whereas entering the direct URL seems to work rather more reliably for me.

    Needless to say, the portion of the address that includes '' needs to be adjusted to reflect the IP address of your Humax Aura.

    | Sat 8 Oct 2022 13:58:44 #3 |
  4. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Jan '22
    Posts: 35


    Nice. I get a transport stream (.ts) in case anyone is wondering.

    From Linux, I open VLC, then

    View -> Playlist -> UPnP -> Aura -> Live Channels -> 101 BBC 1 HD -> (right-click) Stream...

    | Mon 10 Oct 2022 17:09:59 #4 |
  5. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 952


    May I ask why you use VLC to view live TV this way rather than the dedicated streaming services such as iPlayer?

    | Tue 11 Oct 2022 9:42:12 #5 |

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