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Have Humax abandoned Aura?

(6 posts)
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    Joined: Apr '23
    Posts: 22


    Aura is struggling to access any streaming services BBC iPlayer, ITVX, etc
    Also notice still no support for Netflix and NowTV (Sky) apps

    Have Humax abandoned Aura?

    Should they still be allowed to sell new ones with these same issues?

    | Thu 19 Sep 2024 10:43:01 #1 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 132


    Yes yes yes
    They don’t care
    They palm people off with the same emails
    They knew it was a dud when it went on sale
    No one’s going to buy their units again

    | Thu 19 Sep 2024 19:47:23 #2 |
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    special member
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    I’m no fan of Humax but to be fair it was really bad when it first came out and they did put in a lot of fixes & enhancements over many weeks and months. But…that’s a few years ago now and it does look totally abandoned.

    | Thu 19 Sep 2024 22:24:26 #3 |
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    special member
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    Yes, Its topical of Humax these days I'm afraid.
    What was a really good company HAS TOTALLY GONE TO THE WALL.
    I was with them for over 25 years.
    right up until earlier this year when our 5000t was playing up
    I gave the Aura 3 tries with all 3 being returned as unfit for purpose.
    We have switched over to the Manhattan T4 R.
    What a difference, Their box has a totally different user interface. & remote.
    The tuners are as solid as our Tv's tuners.
    (one of which is a 4K tv)all without the need to go messing around with the arial
    Also, all of the players that Freeview play use are already installed.
    the streaming is perfect .Before We switched I contacted Manhattan Tv by e/mail.
    Their customer service was brilliant.
    the person that replied seemed fully conversed with the product.
    He couldn't have been more helpful. including advise about an update roll out.
    I know it only comes with 2 tuners, but with the Freeview play.
    that and go onto any of the players you can get even more missed content.
    If anything gets deleted by accident. it goes into the deleted file for 30 days.
    You can even retrieve it . ( something Humax never did)
    There's just one more thing, If you search for any company that has 3 tuners.
    You'll find that nobody else does anything.(only Humax)I wonder WHY?
    once you get used to the new interface you'll see Why I'm staying wit Manhattan.
    Good luck. No more sensitive tuners ,or signal interruptions every time the box wakes up.

    | Wed 25 Sep 2024 9:38:04 #4 |
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    I was looking for an alternative to humax after the 5000 but Humax was the only one with 3 tuners. I'll never get why others don't have 3,4 or even 5 tuners,they must cost about £5???
    I record very little now because I stream most stuff so I'm thinking about switching over Sky box next time

    | Wed 25 Sep 2024 10:53:02 #5 |
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    Last week returned my Manhatten T4R! Happy with the way it all worked but the picture quality was poor especially on live tv, compared with my 7 year old Youview box. persevered with settings and emails to Manhatten for a week with no improvement?
    Purchased the AURA a few days ago and everything seems good, quick to set up and the picture quality brilliant.

    | Wed 25 Sep 2024 11:25:09 #6 |

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