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HDMI Signal dropping

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    After having no issues for about 2 months, I think my box has developed a fault. Intermittently the HDMI signal drops, sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for a few minutes or sometimes need to unplug from the wall to get a signal back. I have tried a different cable with no luck.

    Has anyone else had this issue, do you think it is broken?


    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 10:13:56 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Have you tried different HDMI resolution settings?

    What make and model of TV?

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 10:19:53 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    Changes to the HDMI video resolution settings were included in the January update and appear to have started affecting quite a few users breaking something which was working before.

    On tip which I learnt of yesterday was to try an HDMI splitter box between the PVR and the TV. Can be had cheap from the likes of Tesco.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 11:45:24 #3 |
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    The TV I have is Panasonic Th42Px60B, it only supports up to 1080i, but I noticed that the Humax syncs to the TV at 720p.

    I haven't got the new update yet that allows manual changing of the resolution, I have the BT version. BT seem to be slightly behind the stock firmware although BT have said they have started rolling it out now.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 12:18:38 #4 |
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    Just found this thread.

    Had my DTR-T1000 a couple of weeks and have a similar HDMI problem, but I suspect that the oldish TV might be to blame. It's a Hitachi L32H01U LCD 720p, with two HDMI inputs. The other input is connected to a WDTV Live media player.

    Using the Humax, the image blacks out briefly from time to time and the TV displays the "1280 x 720 50Hz" OSD. It appears that the TV is resetting the HDMI input. I think the sound goes as well but it's hard to say.

    Using the WDTV Live, the sound and image black out completely, but can be restored relatively easily by reselecting the HDMI 2 input on the TV, so the WDTV hasn't crashed. Fortunately, this happens infrequently.

    The timing of both problems appears to be random. I've checked HDMI cables, tried every possible resolution setting etc.

    Done some research and this appears to be a handshaking issue, probably caused by the TV. I don't think it's fixable but the TV will be replaced in due course.

    Any thoughts, anyone?

    | Thu 28 Feb 2013 11:47:02 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Welcome to the forum

    Have you tried changing the resolution setting on the DTR:

    TV Signal & Quality
    HDMI Display Setting

    | Thu 28 Feb 2013 13:09:20 #6 |
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    Yes I have. It's currently set at 720p, to match the capability of the TV. Tried 1080i, 1080p, and probably everything inbetween.

    | Thu 28 Feb 2013 14:08:37 #7 |
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    unfortunately Humax have a problem with HDMI

    I have at least 1/2 a dozen other HDMI enabled devices from various manufacturers here and only Humax presents the HDMI problem.

    You can't really blame your old TV as I bet everything else you plug in will work. I'm also sure though, that a new TV would solve the problem.

    You could send your Humax back, if everybody did that then Humax might take notice and I'm sure a lot of returns are already for HDMI issues. I'm not advocating that you return the item, just that Humax do something about it

    You could buy a HDMI splitter that sorts out EDID/CEC (most cheap ones don't)and re-synchs the hdmi signal making a mockery of the HDCP which plagues us, however your money would probably be better put towards a new TV in due course.

    I'm sure you have tried everything inbetween, I know I've been driven to despair in the past with the Humax HDMI problem. You could try unplugging the WD HDMI lead and leaving just the Humax connected first to HDMI1 on its own and if you still get problems try HDMI2 on its own, however the random nature means it may take a while to see whether the WD is affecting anything. If not having the WD plugged in helps then maybe a cheap splitter ~£10-£12 from the likes of aldi/lidl might also help.

    I wouldn't give up on it yet and you never know you may find a configuration that works, but I wouldn't hold by breath.

    | Thu 28 Feb 2013 15:33:47 #8 |
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    Thank you everyone for your helpful comments.

    I think I'll live with the problem provided it doesn't get worse. Part of the difficulty is having to watch the TV for 15/30/45 minutes every time I try a new setting - very tedious.

    I have a Panasonic DVD recorder stored away somewhere. I think it has an HDMI output so I might dig that out and see what happens.

    I don't particularly want to throw more money at the problem. The BT/Humax deal is a good one overall and I'd rather buy a better TV in due course. The question then, of course, will be "which TV"?

    | Fri 1 Mar 2013 8:17:50 #9 |

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