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HDR 1100s hard drive issue

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    I saw a listing on ebay today for an HDR 1100S recorder with a hard drive issue. The listing states a known issue where the unit will not recognise a hard drive and mentions some problem with a resistor.

    Can anyone shed any light on this?

    | Thu 10 Jan 2019 18:22:57 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    batteryman - 1 minute ago  » 
    I saw a listing on ebay today for an HDR 1100S recorder with a hard drive issue. The listing states a known issue where the unit will not recognise a hard drive and mentions some problem with a resistor.
    Can anyone shed any light on this?

    There's a very long thread on this issue. At one time Humax did offer a repair for this issue for units under warranty. This of course will not apply to a second hand unit. AfaiK no one other than Humax has been able to fix this issue. I would recommend not buying this unit.

    | Thu 10 Jan 2019 18:27:34 #2 |
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    Sounds like very good advice to me, much appreciated. Do you know of any technical detail on the issue (I'm an ele trical engineer, MIET).

    | Thu 10 Jan 2019 19:22:32 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    batteryman - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Sounds like very good advice to me, much appreciated. Do you know of any technical detail on the issue (I'm an ele trical engineer, MIET).

    Ditto worked for National Grid for 40 yrs.

    It was thought to be a capacitor problem, but customer support told a member it was a resistor. Other than that there is no other information. Incidentally some units started working again after a long period of being powered off. This also includes some of the units that Humax sent back to South Korea for investigation as to the cause of the issue. The early units (including my original first batch of HDR-1000S (touch wood) seem to be immune. It's on it's second 2TB hard drive incidentally.

    | Thu 10 Jan 2019 19:33:03 #4 |
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    That sounds like electrolytic capacitor recovery with time due to oxide regrowth. This type of capacitor and particularly low grade ones used in low cost manufacturing has been responsible for lots of problems according to articles I have read and a little personal experience. A 9300t I came across wouldn't read the hard disk although the rest of the system functioned normally. Two "cheap" capacitors in the power supply had failed, replacing them allowed enough current to run the disk and the problem was solved. Am I on the right track for the 1100s?

    | Thu 10 Jan 2019 20:50:50 #5 |


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    The HDR-1xx0S units both use a sealed external power supply.
    Suitable replacement units are available on the internet.

    | Fri 11 Jan 2019 8:34:52 #6 |
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    I've just looked at the separate psu unit for my HDR 2000. If the 1100s supply is similar, my guess is there isn't much in it apart from transformer/rectifier and there'll be a regulator and storage capacitors in the 1100 unit. If the storage caps have failed, the supply will work the receiver but won't have enough current for the disk. That's how it was on a 9300t; I don't suppose Humax will tell us the manufacturer's fix for the 1100.

    | Fri 11 Jan 2019 13:03:14 #7 |


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    Humax have said it was a component on the motherboard.

    | Fri 11 Jan 2019 14:35:57 #8 |
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    Nothing more specific about component type? Does anyone know if there's a schematic diagram or service manual for the 1100s? I guess it's part of the "broken so scrap it" type of electronic goods. I just like fixing things!

    | Fri 11 Jan 2019 14:58:10 #9 |


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    As Graham said customer services said it was a resistor. There is no public circuit diagram. Initially units were repaired and returned with recordings intact.

    I imagine the current unit swap is simpler to handle, perhaps they are still repairing them, I would think so anyway.

    | Fri 11 Jan 2019 15:54:53 #10 |

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