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HDR 2000T noise problem

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    Luke - 11 minutes ago  » 

    Faust - 13 minutes ago  » 
    When you say it's quiet Bill, have you got your TV on at the time? Have you sat in the room with the 2000T switched on and have no other extraneous noise going on? If you do this and your hearing is good then I think you may find a very different situation, depending of course on the boxes location and geography of room.

    I can't speak for Bill but apart form the sitting down bit I have been in a silent room on separate occasions with 2 different HDR-2000Ts. The HDRs were both buffering a TV channel and with my ear on top of their cases could not hear anything or rather it was so quiet I was wondering if anything I could hear was just my imagination.
    Even when recording 2 HD channels and watching a third in time slip mode it was very quiet in a quiet room. 'It' because I only tried making it as noisy as possible with the second unit.
    If there is a next time I'll add the DLNA server to the mix.

    I would say mine is nosier when it isn't recording than when it is. When it is idle I can hear the platters moving to what I imagine is the centre of the disk where they bump into the centre ring then go back to the outer edge where the whole thing starts again. It has always done this, it's just something generic with these boxes and has been widely reported by others on this and the hummy forum before.

    It doesn't spoil the experience of the box. If the room is quiet I would liken it to that of a ticking clock, i.e. if the box is on you become aware of it, though it's not something that particularly annoys me, just like a ticking clock doesn't annoy me - in fact I find that soothing.

    P.S. I don't mean the box makes a noise like a ticking clock before anyone asks.

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 14:11:18 #11 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Yes the trouble is Ive not researched and largely ignored the general disquiet about it.

    My Humax brand loyalty won and I think Ive made a mistake.

    The problem for me is that its not soothing like a familiar ticking clock. I just think electronic products should be quietly doing their thing and I dont have noisy hard drives in my games consoles or computer....well I cant hear them making that sort of racket.

    This is beyond borderline for me and I hope Humax dont just give me empty platitudes

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 14:28:42 #12 |
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    Give it 12 months and you will barely notice it.

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 14:55:36 #13 |
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    Minstrel SE - 22 minutes ago  » 
    So are we saying there are different grades of hard drive noise or is it down to individual perception?

    It is probably both. My 2 HDR-200Ts experience were so quiet that if they were left on I would walk into the room and not realise that they were on until I noticed the blue light. The reason that I original put my ear to an HDR-2000T was I thought it may be fault as it was too quiet compared to almost anything else.
    They were definitely as quiet, and probably quieter, than my old PVR-8000Ts

    Minstrel SE - 35 minutes ago  » 
    I get the overall view that the 2000t is a cost cutting budget product but I expected more from Humax.

    Graham North Commercial Director
    New HDR-2000T HD PVR, Warranty extension & Happy Birthday
    Dear Humax user,

    Having the same functionality as the Freeview HDR-FoxT2 but in a smaller form factor and with the front display removed to reduce cost, the HDR-2000T is the perfect addition to our PVR range, please click on the image below for further details.

    (Ignore the 'same functionality' as that easily arguable as not being the case.)

    Minstrel SE - 43 minutes ago  » 
    However I do a lot of winding down when the TV has to be on quietly. I dont always want to listen through headphones but the annoying thing is that on a quiet scene, especially if Im recording something else I can hear it over the on ear headphones...yes even with lightish on ear headphones on!
    I may have to go for a model higher up the range and I have asked Humax which models dont make this noise

    I suspect that it just pot luck on how noisy the drive is.
    How easy would it be to approach the shop for an exchange and a chance of different luck with the same model?

    My noisiest recorder is now a DTR-T4000. It has a fan which I am attempting to get used but I doubt if that is possible as it is just so peaceful when it is fully off. As I use 2.4ghz for the remote instead of IR and so it can be behind the TV to try and dampen the sound. One to avoid. (It's youview and so a bit short on features anyway.)

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 15:04:22 #14 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    I decided that I didnt need youview so thought the 2000 ideal in price and function.

    I have already registered the 2 year guarantee...perhaps this is to appease us and get me to stick with the issues?

    I sense a pot luck and refurbishment chain. I cant be sure but that doesnt seem acceptable to me. Are you sure its not just removing the fan that makes people think its quiet? I know there were fan noise/ fan always on complaints in the past

    Problem is I dont like the shop because they already tried to pass a heavily marked used, thrown in a box unit off on me....luckily I checked instantly and complained.
    I dont even want to go back there so noise issues give me more of a sinking feeling. I may have to stick with it and get used to it as faust suggests. Its not a disaster purchase but it just seems a bit iffy in hard drive noise.

    I cant chance a pot luck swap which is why Ive contacted Humax

    Im certainly not the only one that has noticed it on the review sites.

    The 8000T had a hum which will need rubber washers or something more suitable in the drive mount. Placing the whole box on sorbothane pads etc is useless Thats a job now its briefly laid up before taking on radio duties. Still it was a very good unit for what it was

    However I feel that was fine compared with this 2000t head noise

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 15:48:53 #15 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Faust - 1 hour ago  » 
    Give it 12 months and you will barely notice it.

    Maybe Faust but its going to take a period of denial.

    Ive spent a day or so thinking I will not let it bother me. However it generally does at the moment

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 16:10:52 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Humax usually use Seagate Pipeline Drives specially designed for AV use. If you get a noisy one it's not because the drive is cheap, it's poor quality control by Seagate. Personally I prefer the WD AV_GP drives. These are whisper quiet. The good news is Humax boxes in general make it very easy to fit new and larger drives.

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 16:38:21 #17 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Well I see there is a security seal and I dont want to go there I do hope another drive could be fitted.

    I have a Seagate drive from a 9200 ready for an 8000T project

    However the real niggle is I wanted this 2000t to be clearly better than the 9200 9300. In many ways it is but why take a step back on hard drive noise.

    I cant imagine Seagate make errors. The rub is some people are going to find it acceptable. Until I have heard the competition from Panasonic etc, Im not sure

    Im looking at the Western Digital AV drives

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 19:40:01 #18 |
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    We also have a Panasonic HWT 120 PVR and whilst a good recorder I can also hear the HDD on that too, but again only if there is no other noise in the room. If the TV is on or the wife is talking (that drowns out all other noise )then you wouldn't hear it.

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 21:46:10 #19 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Yes but when there is a quiet tense scene an two characters have a moment of silence. I can hear this thing chuntering away especially when I might be recording something else on an HD.

    I tried drowning it with the television and you actually have to have the telly above relaxing volumes.

    Its quite a sharp noise the hard drive makes and it throws it right through the thin unit casing.

    Ok I have been in the last century with an 8000t but I didnt expect hard drive noise like this.

    About half its current hard drive noise may be acceptable. I still think its far too loud for a produst designed to sit on a tv shelf

    At the moment its on a glass shelf. I will try it on vatious mats and one day I will probably soundproof the casiing

    | Mon 5 Sep 2016 21:38:17 #20 |

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