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Help! Aura Won't Start Up

(3 posts)
  1. Geoff_W


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    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 179


    My Aura is 2 weeks old. Everything has been fine until today. Went to bring it out of deep standby and it won't start up. Tried pulling the plug several times but no change. The following sequence happens (with TV on):-
    1. Bright Red LED and 'Humax' splash screen for about 5 seconds.
    2. Bright Blue LED for about 20 - 25 seconds.
    3. Bright Red LED which stays on indefinitely.
    4. No picture or sound.
    5. Pressing On/Off button toggles LED between (Bright) Red and Blue.
    6. Long Press of On/Off button brings up 'Power Off Shutdown' message. Selecting OK puts it back to Bright Red LED.

    Is there anything else I can try before contacting Humax?

    | Wed 24 Nov 2021 17:17:37 #1 |
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  3. Geoff_W


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    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 179


    Thanks @SSThing

    That got the Aura up and running again, although it has rebooted itself once after being put into standard standby - I'll have to monitor its behaviour over the next few days/weeks. What might have caused the original crash?

    Is it correct that the saved preferences are also lost in the reset?

    | Wed 24 Nov 2021 19:10:15 #3 |

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