grahamlthompson - 3 hours ago »
MrFraggle - 28 minutes ago »
Sorry mate I have another thread on my issue which I could not find hence this one.
The issue I am having is: When I power on my UE55KU6000K and Humax 2000T I will get a black screen. It is necessary to on the TV go to source, switch to TV press OK then go back to source switch to the PVR and everything is fine.
I have this issue if the box is in standby or always on I have no idea whether it is an issue with the box, but I might add it also happens with the 1800T I also have, but they are virtually the same box anyway, or the TV. What they call a handshake issue. I have tried all HDMI ports and different cables but it persists.OK - But the splitter will not solve handshake issues. What it will do is stop you losing the TV signal for a short period if you are watching TV when the box wakes up to make a scheduled recordings.
HDCP handshake issues are more difficut because Humax will insist it's a TV problem and the TV makers will insist it's a problem with the Humax box.
I would wager that is a classic handshake issue. Out of interest what devices have you currently got plugged in to the TV via HDMI?