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How to series link when a shows already started?

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    I'm new to the Humax world so sorry of this is a silly question.

    If I look forward or on the TV guide I press record and can set up a series link very easily. However, yesterday I was having a flick around and caught the second half of the first episode of a new series of Masterchef. If I hit record it only offers to record what's left of this episode!

    I tried later to go back and set a series link but I'm surprised to find I can't look back in the listings (or can I?) and so I try to scroll forward to next weeks listing but the Guide seems to stop after one week!

    This happened again with another show later on and will happen a lot as I set this box up as my Sky and Virgin replacement so if you can let me know a way around this I would be very grateful.

    | Fri 25 Mar 2016 23:24:34 #1 |
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    You cannot series link a recording while the current episode is being viewed. Yes, stupid isn't it! You have to wait until that episode is completed then look for the next showing in the EPG, or if not there then in the press. This has been a long standing complaint.

    | Sat 26 Mar 2016 8:35:20 #2 |
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    Pollensa1946 - 1 day ago  » 
    You cannot series link a recording while the current episode is being viewed. Yes, stupid isn't it! You have to wait until that episode is completed then look for the next showing in the EPG, or if not there then in the press. This has been a long standing complaint.

    Thanks for that. I thought I had done my homework pretty well before settling on this box but I didn't check everything I guess. Any idea if this will be fixed soon or will be in an update soon?

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 13:36:16 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    nick25 - 12 minutes ago  » 

    Pollensa1946 - 1 day ago  » 
    You cannot series link a recording while the current episode is being viewed. Yes, stupid isn't it! You have to wait until that episode is completed then look for the next showing in the EPG, or if not there then in the press. This has been a long standing complaint.

    Thanks for that. I thought I had done my homework pretty well before settling on this box but I didn't check everything I guess. Any idea if this will be fixed soon or will be in an update soon?

    It may be impossible. The required crid codes may not be available from the epg once the programme has actually started.

    You do not have to wait until the current episode has finished, you can set up a series recording without waiting if the next episode is in the current epg.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 13:51:29 #4 |
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    nick25 - 6 hours ago  » ...Any idea if this will be fixed soon or will be in an update soon?

    It's been that way since the G2 boxes were launched in Oct 2012 and given Freesat's record on responding to user requests I would say no, it will not be fixed. Graham is of course correct, you could suspend your viewing of the current episode and go off looking for the next one to series record. Maybe best to press record on the current one before doing that if you want to view it in full

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 20:02:10 #5 |
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    Ah well - appreciate the answers. My TV guide seems to only let me scroll 7 days forward which means I cant set the guide once a show has already started since I can't look up the following week's episode until the next day. I don't understand anything about this crid codes but I'm guessing the box is deleting these the second the show starts?

    Virgin (tivo) and Sky don't have this problem so hopefully they'll get it sorted as some point.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 20:56:46 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    You should be able to scroll forward to the same day the following week.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 21:18:51 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    nick25 - 27 minutes ago  » 
    Ah well - appreciate the answers. My TV guide seems to only let me scroll 7 days forward which means I cant set the guide once a show has already started since I can't look up the following week's episode until the next day. I don't understand anything about this crid codes but I'm guessing the box is deleting these the second the show starts?
    Virgin (tivo) and Sky don't have this problem so hopefully they'll get it sorted as some point.

    The box is possibly not deleting them, the epg data may simply not have the data anymore. Has anyone ever had a freesat+ box of any make that can schedule a ongoing programme only present in the time shift buffer file and create a series folder including the contents of the current time shift buffer ?

    If there is I do not know of one. As already posted the epg should have the next episode already of a weekly repeating series.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 21:30:34 #8 |
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    grahamlthompson - 11 hours ago  » ...Has anyone ever had a freesat+ box of any make that can schedule a ongoing programme only present in the time shift buffer file and create a series folder including the contents of the current time shift buffer...

    In simple terms that sounds like... it hasn't been done so it's OK that Humax/Freesat have not done it. I recall that it was said at the dawn of the modern computer age (40s/50s ?) that the estimated world-wide demand for computers was 6.

    | Mon 28 Mar 2016 9:07:27 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Pollensa1946 - 17 minutes ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 11 hours ago  » ...Has anyone ever had a freesat+ box of any make that can schedule a ongoing programme only present in the time shift buffer file and create a series folder including the contents of the current time shift buffer...

    In simple terms that sounds like... it hasn't been done so it's OK that Humax/Freesat have not done it. I recall that it was said at the dawn of the modern computer age (40s/50s ?) that the estimated world-wide demand for computers was 6.

    You can't do it on Freeview either.

    | Mon 28 Mar 2016 9:25:26 #10 |

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